Chapter 10 - Dunston the Monkey

Start from the beginning

The pain didn't kick in for a few seconds, but when it did, it hurt like heck!Searing pain shot up the side of my leg in lines, causing me to start sobbing quietly.

Thankfully, I only fell another couple of steps, to the bottom. It might have been just my luck to fall down the stairs and break my ankle, but it was definitely good luck that there were only 5 steps and we were in a hospital.

Unfortunately, the gods of luck didn't like me enough to make someone come past. I seemed to have fallen down the stairs in a deserted corridor.

So I did what normal people would do. No not shout for help, I curled up in a ball and clutched my now very swollen ankle.

I'm not sure how long I was there for, but it felt like ages. Finally, I heard footsteps approaching. I didn't even bother looking up to see who it was, as I wouldn't know them anyway. I knew it wasn't my parents as they would have made me walk to find a nurse, but this very, VERY kind person picked me up gently, and carried me bridal style.

However, when we came to a stop and I was set down, I had to look at the person to at least acknowledge what they did for me. I stopped short though, when I saw who it was. Someone I least expected to help me.

It was Zac.

He grinned at me, and carefully let go of me, making sure I was balanced so I wouldn't fall over. I couldn't help but at least smile back, even if it was only as a way of thanking him.

"You ok now?"

After I nodded he carried on: "That's good. Do you mind if I go now, it's just my sister's waiting for me?"

Once more, I agreed, I couldn't keep him from his sister, that was selfish. Although it did seem like a shame that I would almost certainly never see or talk to him again. He had other ideas though.

"Can I have your number? I know, I know, we have only known each other for..." I cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth. It worked, and I even felt him smirk under my finger tips. Once I was sure he wouldn't talk again, I removed my hand from his mouth and instead, held it out in front of me, waiting for his phone.

We swapped numbers, then bid our good-bye's, well he bid, I waved. My day had gone ok, if you excluded the part about finding Bella, that wasn't so great, but Leon coming back, meeting Elliot AND Zac, but obviously God hated to see me happy, so he sent the devil to haunt me.

That's right, walking towards us was none less than Jenna the female dog. I felt a pang of jealousy shoot through me, for some unknown reason, when Jenna came up and stood next to Zac.

She spared Zac a fleeting glance before turning to face me and sneered. Charming.

"What are you doing with her?" She pouted at Zac. I looked away, already knowing what Zac's response would be. I couldn't believe I let myself trust him, when he was clearly just like Jenna.

"I'm allowed to talk to whoever I like!" he snapped. I whisked my head around at that, not believing anyone would dare talk to Jenna like that. Instead of going off on one like I thought she would she simply glared at him.

"But mum says we have to go NOW!" she begged. What is she 2?

"Screw mum, tell her I'll get a bus home. Now let me finish talking to my friend, sister."

SISTER?!?!? No wonder he looked familiar!! With the blond hair.... it all made sense now.

"Fine, bye brother dearest. Bye, freak!" That bit was directed at me, but for once I didn't care. I was just so happy that they weren't going out.

After Zac left, having asked if he could text me later, I went, no hobbled painfully, to find a nurse and Leon and Elliot. They were probably worried.

Thankfully, I found a nurse quickly, and she took me to a room and X-Rayed my ankle and confirmed that it was broken. She then put it in a cast, and handed me some crutches.

With my newfound walking ability, I hopped through the hospital corridors, until I reached the entrance. There I found Elliot and Leon, but no Bella. I guessed she was staying in hospital for a few days.

"What the hell happened to you?" demanded Leon when I was within hearing distance. I grinned sheepishly and told them what had happened.

"Trust you, Elle. It couldn't happen to anyone else!" sighed Leon, shaking his head. I argued against him, saying that it probably happened to loads of people, until I caught on to the fact he didn't mean it like that. Oops, blonde moment. Thankfully, having blonde high-lights in my hair, I could get away with the occassional off moment.

When I got home, I said good-bye to the boys, and hopped inside. My parents gave me weird looks, but the sort of weird you would expect like, 'Why are you on crutches, what have you done now?' weird, but weird as in, 'Don't bother asking for sympathy you aren't going to get any!'.

Ignoring them, I hobbled up the stairs and into my room where I plonked myself on the bed, pulled out my phone, and picked up my laptop from under my bed. I settled back into the pillows, resting my ankle, turned on my laptop and loaded Dunston checks in, and checked my phone to find that I had a new message.

'Hows ur ankle? Hope u get better soon :) xoxo'

Aww, it was from Zac, but I could have guessed that. I smiled to myself at the thought of him being nothing like his horrible sister.

I quickly tapped a reply, sent it and settled back down, placing my laptop on my thighs, and turned up the volume.

My phone beeped telling my message had sent. A message that read:

'Not 2 bad, bit sore. Will live. Just settling down 2 watch some DUNSTON THE MONKEY!!!! :D :D!!!!!! x'

He probably had no idea what I wastalking about. That under-educated boy. He had been missing out if he didn't know about Dunston the Monkey.

*******************A/N: Sooooo, what do you think??? Any ideas as to what will happen in the next few chappies??? LET ME KNOW, VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Shout out to BryBee for doing so on most of my chapters so far!!!! xx love minime12-lover!!@*********************

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