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Taehyung is making Haru wear clothes, eyes concentrated on the alpha in front of him who is busy drying Haneul's hair. Taehyung could feel something is wrong with Jeongguk since he woke up and honestly he doesn't expect the alpha to act all normal after what happened. But the way Jeongguk is trying to portray that he is fine is breaking Taehyung's heart. He can see the pretense in his smile can see the way Jeongguk doesn't speak unless the kids or Taehyung bring any talk. 

"Jeongguk. Are you okay? " He says, finally. Jeongguk stops drying Haneul's hair to look at Taehyung. 

"Of course. Why would I not be? " Jeongguk smiles but Taehyung doesn't find any genuine happiness in them. 

Taehyung nods, knows Jeongguk doesn't want to talk about it. 

"I am glad most of their doodles came off" Taehyung chuckles, changing the subject.Jeongguk just hums.

It goes on like that, Jeongguk barely says or reacts on anything and Taehyung let's him be, thinking it's better to give alpha some space. 

Taehyung is washing the dishes when he feels Jeongguk's gaze on him. The alpha is standing beside him, drying the dishes which Taehyung hands him. Taehyung ignores at first but Jeongguk refuses to remove his eyes away from the omega. 

Taehyung clears his throat "You are staring"

Jeongguk's gaze doesn't falter "I am"

Taehyung turns to face him, raising an eyebrow "Why? " He chuckles, gulping when he meets the alpha's unwavering gaze. 

"Because I can" Jeongguk says, almost whispering bringing his hand up to gently tuck a hair strand behind the omega's ear. 

"Jeongguk" Taehyung says simply because he doesn't know what else to say. He doesn't know if he should think about one of the alpha's hands snaking around his waist or the way his eyes are fixated on Taehyung's lips. 

Jeongguk tears his eyes away from the omega's lips to look him into his eyes "Yes? "

Taehyung swallows thickly, "Stop" He mumbles. 

Jeongguk lips curl up a bit, eyes shining with a mischievous glint. "Stop what? " His grip on Taehyung's waist tighten pulling him closer and Taehyung has to put his hands on Jeongguk's chest in order to stop himself from bumping into him. 

He looks at the alpha in bewilderment, wondering if the other had hit his head or something but Jeongguk just stares at him, gaze as intense as ever. 

"S-staring.Stop staring. "

Jeongguk smiles, tongue poking his inner cheek. "Don't you think it's a bit unfair . I didn't stop you from staring at me after all. "

"When did I ev-" Taehyung gasps in realisation "Jeongguk! Erase the memory!That never happened! "

"Oh darling! But it did" 

"It didn't! We were not thinking it didn't mea-o" Taehyung's eyes grow comically wide, lips forming a forced 'o' as Jeongguk playfully grips his cheeks with his hand. 

"I was kidding " Jeongguk grins and Taehyung furrows his eyebrows. The alpha let's go of his cheek , patting it softly. 

" First you are all silent and gloomy, then you are staring at me and then this! What has gotten into you?! You are scaring me! " Taehyung rambles, palms pressing on Jeongguk's cheek and forehead to check if he has a fever. 

"You should be scared " Jeongguk says, fingers curling around Taehyung's wrist gently pulling his hand down. 

"Gguk! Stop! You know I didn't mean like that! Taehyung scowls, corner of his lips turning down. 

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