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"We are going to meet Ggukie. Stop crying now, baby. " Taehyung cajoles the kid. 

"Now? " Haneul mumbles. 

"Yeah but you need to be a brave boy till we meet Ggukie. Can you do that angel? " Taehyung says as he kisses his forehead. 
‍Haneul looks at him with his wide eyes and pouty lips before nodding slowly.

"My angel is so brave!" Taehyung kisses his cheek.

To Taehyung 's relief, Haneul is dozed off as soon as he gets him ready. It's better than him crying and catching a potential fever.

"Haru, get up baby!" He says as he gently lifts her up in his lap.

"Good moning Tae Tae!" She mumbles, eyes still closed.

"It's Good evening bub! You need to get up though!"

"Why?" She whines cuddling up to him.

"We are going to meet Daddy!"

She opens her eyes at that."Meet daddy?"

"Yes if we get you ready quickly!" Taehyung says nuzzling her cheek.

She yawns and nods her head. Getting her ready isn't much of a hassle as she is still a little drowsy.

Taehyung quickly gets ready himself. He is pacing around the house to gather essential things as he glances at Haru who is playing a game on his phone.

"Haru bub keep that in my bag, the battery must be already low!" He says. She nods quickly putting it in his bag.

Haneul is still sleeping during the car ride while Haru is her curious self asking Taehyung about this and that.

He stops the car when he can't remember the direction from that point, searching for his phone in his bag. He starts panicking when he sees a video game console, knows what has probably happened. He searches his whole bag and finds all sorts of things from snacks for the kids to their toys but doesn't find his phone.

"Haru what were you playing your game on?"

"On my game player!"

Taehyung sighs, he mistook the game console for his phone and thought Haru kept it in the bag. He is more than halfway from home so there is no way he is going back.

He is grateful that after asking for directions he reaches the office. And Taehyung must say that the majestic edifice as him in awe. Haneul has awoken from his slumber but is still very unresponsive, head lying on Taehyung 's shoulder. Haru is holding his index finger, walking side by side.

He enters the building to see a huge lobby in front of him with a reception desk and some couches, he moves forward to go further inside but there are entry gates which require an id card to open.He goes towards the reception desk.

"Excuse me, I wanted to meet Jeon Jeongguk." He says to the lady in front of him.

"What is your good name, sir?" The lady asks politely, smiling at him.

"Kim Taehyung"

She nods typing something in her desktop. She frowns and looks up at him "I am sorry sir there is no appointment in the name of any Kim Taehyung."

"Er ..I know that. I actually know him personally.." Taehyung says with hesitation.

"Sorry, sir we can't let you inside."

"C-can you call him once and tell him that Kim Taehyung is here?"

"I am sorry sir. I cannot."

Taehyung sighs running his hand through his hair. He goes and sits on the couch thinking what should he do now. He doesn't remember the number Jeongguk gave him so he can't even contact him by borrowing someone else's phone. A lady comes and sits beside him, he gives her a small smile.

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