~Back at Gryffindor tower~

Third Person POV

Harry and the others were fixing up the Gryffindor tower because someone had come in and destroyed his dorm looking for something. Harry noticed that Tom's diary was gone so he knew that the person who made the mess had found what he or she was looking for. Raina came through the door and saw the mess that happened "Who pissed off a hurricane that it came through here and torn this place up?" I asked as I started helping clean up the mess. "We don't know. But Tom's diary is gone," I was shocked but expected it to happen sooner or later. I just didn't expect it to be this soon. "Well, we can fix this easily without having to do much," I said and took out my wand. I told everyone to get out of the room and after they did I cast a spell "Reparo," I said and everything started going into its place and fixing and mending itself. After two minutes, the dorm looked like new. "There, now you can check if anything else has been taken," I said and Harry nodded at me thanking me for the help. I nodded and went to my dorm. Once inside, I found Lucas on my bed. I sighed and locked my dorm so no one would come in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as he sat up and looked at me. "Just waiting on you," he responded "For?" "To hang out," he said and I shook my head. "Not today. I have things to do today. Maybe next time," I said as he sighed and hugged me. "Fine, but next time, you're not getting away from me," he said and pecked my lips. I stopped getting mad about it 'cause he does it all the time that I just got used to.

~ a few days later~

I was in the common room, bored out of my mind. They have canceled the Quidditch matches because of all the attacks. I was looking forward to Hufflepuff getting their asses handed to them but oh well. You can't have it all. I decided to leave the common room when Oliver came inside with the rest of the Quidditch team. "Where's Harry?" "With McGonagall. She told me to tell you to meet her in the medical wing," he said and I left for the medical wing. When I got there, McGonagall still wasn't there. I went in and check all the beds to see why she wanted me here. I didn't understand until I saw Hermione on one of the beds. She had been petrified.

I went by her side as tears came down my eyes. I started shaking her shoulders "Hermione, wake up. This isn't funny. Wake up!" I yelled as my voice got raspy and I hugged her tightly. I tried grabbing her hand but noticed something in it. I took it out and saw what she had found out. I saw at the corner of the page it said pipes. I understood. The basilisk gets around through the pipeline. I saw a mirror on the other desk and figured she was using it to look at each corner to see if the basilisk was there. She even figured out how the basilisk petrified people. I put the paper, back in its place as McGonagall came in with Harry and Ron. They saw Hermione and me next to her. "Where did you find her?" I asked but she answered Harry's and Ron's questions first. "We found her near the library, Raina," she said and I nodded. I went there to looked at weaknesses on the basilisk. That damn beast is going to pay for this. I might love snakes but this one will die for this.

I went to the common room after checking out a few books on basilisks and decided to read them quickly. Once I got there, I saw everyone also there. Soon enough, McGonagall came in and started saying new rules because of the incidents "All students will return to their house by 6:00 every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. Only one exception, which is Raina. Raina, you have to go to Professor Dumbledore'soffice right now. He's waiting for you," he said and I nodded. I left my book in the common room and went to Dumbledore's office. 

Once there, he told me to come in and asked me everything that I knew about the chamber. "I know it holds a basilisk inside and it is using the pipelines to get around the school. I know someone opened the chamber 50 years ago but Hagrid was framed and someone died last time. And I know someone else opened it this year. I just need to fill in the blanks," I said and nodded. "I want you to find out where that chamber is and report that to me. I don't want you going in there at any cost. Just find it and tell me," I nodded and left. 

As the weeks went by, we still had attacks on muggle-borns. Everyone got to their common rooms on time and it gave me time to look around and check if anything was out of the ordinary. I still did my chores with Hagrid since he also needed to be done early so we could both be in the safety of our common rooms before the sun fell. 

Today just happened to be a slow day. Hagrid and I ended late and so I was in his hut having tea. I told him that I could get to my common room fine and after tea, he could walk me to the castle and I send a clone with him back to his hut. He agreed so we are having tea right now and talking about ways to get things done faster so this wouldn't happen again. Well, that was until there was a knock on his door. I got ready to attack while Hagrid got his crossbow and answered the door. "Who's there?" he asked. Then two heads popped up and I saw that it was Harry and Ron using the invisibility cloak. Hagrid invited them in and I greeted them "Hey guys," I said and they were confused as to why I was there "Why are you here?" Ron asked and I smiled. "Hagrid and I finished late so I told him that after tea he could walk me to the common room and then I'll send an ice clone to walk him back to his hut," I said and they nodded. Then Harry asked, "Do you know who's opened the chamber of secrets?" Before Hagrid could answer though, there was another knock on his door. I threw the invisibility cloak on top of the two as I sat down again and continued drinking my tea. Hagrid went to open the door with his crossbow in hand. He put it down and said "Good evening Hagrid. Could we come in?" Dumbledore asked and Hagrid invited him in. Dumbledore came in followed by someone from the ministry. I recognized him as Cornelius Fudge, my dad's boss. When they came in they saw me and looked surprised "Raina, what are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked and I answered: "Well, Hagrid and I finished the chores a bit late so I told him that we could have some tea and then he could walk me to my common room so he could make sure that I am safe. We were just serving tea right now and when I heard the knock, I started serving for you. But I didn't know that Mr. Fudge was coming too. Would you like me to serve you some tea as well, Mr. Fudge?" I asked him but he just shook his head. I gave Dumbledore his tea, knowing he wouldn't deny and I continued drinking mine.

"Bad business, Hagrid. Bad business. Had to come," Fudge said "Too many attacks on muggle-borns. Things have gone far enough. The Ministry's got to act," he said and I just watched. I didn't like where this was going. "I want it understood, Cornelius, that Hagrid has my full confidence," Dumbledore said and Fudge looked down. "Albus, Hagrid's record is against him. I've got to take him."

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