Chapter 19

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Okay, what in the actual fuck had Deceit missed whilst he was gone?

Because he did not expect to see Virgil and Roman aggressively making out on the couch when he reached the bottom of the stairs.

Seriously, what is with everyone suddenly being in relationships?

And why is Virgil and Roman almost exactly like himself and Remus when they have one of their special days?

If he was being honest, it wasn't fair.

Everyone else gets their happy ending.
But what about him? What about Remus?

He guesses that it's because they're the bad guys, they're the villains, and when they fall, no one weeps, no one remembers, no one mourns.

That will never, change.

And he'll have to do something about that, soon.

Deceit smirked as he sunk down, he'll show them, he'll show them all.


When the snake-like side had risen in Remus' room, he was confused to see he wasn't there.

Normally, he'd be snuggling up in a pile of blankets, especially at this time, but no. He was gone, and his absence was unnerving.

Deceit scanned the room, looking for clues about his boyfriend's whereabouts, until he saw it.

On his desk, which was filled with grotesque thoughts and ideas, lay a golden coloured envelope with his name written in big, fancy lettering. The 'e's were also replaced with hearts.

Deceit panicked.

Immediately, hundreds of thousands of thoughts terrorised his mind as he quickly sunk down to the last place that he ever wanted to go:

The subconscious.

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