Chapter 3

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He didn't know what to think.

Why was Roman here?

Deceit swallowed the mouthful of cookie he had in his mouth, then slowly pushed the plate away from him.

"I asked you a question, fiend!"

When he turned around, he was met with a sword in his face, pointed directly at his throat.

Roman was wearing his normal attire from what Deceit could see. 

Though, he did look like he had just came back from a fight.

He must have been in imagination, fighting with one of those Dragon Witches again...

"Oh, so am I not allowed to eat now?" Said Deceit in a venomous tone.

"Not in our kitchen you can't. You aren't welcome here Deceit. No one wants you here, so just get out!"

Roman pulled his sword away slightly  and Deceit hissed in response to his rude remark.

"No. I will leave. I don't have the right to eat here! I am not one of you!"

There was a sudden burst of fake laughter, it was almost like Remus'.

"Hah! Okay, Jack the Fibber, let me tell you this," Roman's 'laughter' was cut short as his lips were now in a thin line.

He moved his sword back to Deceit's throat, a little too close, causing him to move backwards slightly.

He was almost fear-stricken when he saw the look of pure anger on the Prince's face.

"You, will never be one of us. You are a liar, a snake," Now, Deceit's back was pressed against the counter in front of the plate of cookies.

... and there was a very sharp sword pressed to his throat.

"You are evil, you're the villain, and no one, not even Remus, wants you here!"

Deceit didn't dare move a muscle, all he could see, was the pure flames, that were aggressively burning in Roman's eyes.

As well as that, he could feel a liquid trickling down his throat, and he now only realised how hard the sword was pressed against his flesh.

"If I ever see you in here again? Your throat won't be the only thing bleeding."

The fear in his eyes was enough for the prince.

Smirking, he removed the sword from the other's neck, and wiped the end of it on his sash, before putting it back in the sheath.

"Now," Said Roman in a low, menacing tone. "Get out of here and stay away from my family. I can't bare to look at you much longer."

With that, Deceit instantly sunk down, desperately trying to compress his tears as he replayed that last sentence over in his head again.

He mentally scoffed, why did they have to constantly poke at his appearance?

When Deceit rose up again, he was in Remus' room, but the lights were on.

Expecting to see his boyfriend in bed, asleep like he normally was at this hour, he was instead met with Remus standing directly in front of him, a worried look on his face.

"Hey, Dee, what happened?"

He tried to speak, but no words would come out, instead, his chest tightened.

And in that moment, Roman's words echoed painfully around his head,

"No one, not even Remus, wants you here!"

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