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I picked up the knife and stuffed it into my pocket. I felt like crying, but I didn't. At this point, I was beyond sadness and loneliness, I was angry. I was furious.

Angry that this demon, monster, clown, thing, whatever it was, had put Will and I through hell. Not to mention what our families back home must've been going through. They thought that they could drag us to this shit hole and put us through this misery?

Not anymore! I wasn't going to let my life go down without a fight. I was going to get Will back, return to the plan, and get us the fuck back home. I looked up, seeing as the knife was in the street between the playground and the woods, and grabbed my bike.

I started biking down the worn-out path in the dirt, making sure I paid attention to my surroundings. I was technically an outlaw on the run and was pretty sure there'd be monsters after me.

I pedaled quickly in the direction of the trail. After about five minutes, I caught a glimpse of red out of the corner of my eye: a barn. The trail had led to a clearing at the edge of an old farm. Although it was a large barn that was probably painted to be as red as the sky, the paint was dull and chipping, wood bearing from beneath it. I sighed, knowing that it was a dangerous thing to do, but biked off in its direction anyway.

I had to save Will.

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