Chapter 38

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Belle leaves the station in a hurry as I turn back to Killian. He smiles brightly at me and it warms my heart. It's great to have someone to share this joy with – someone who is just as excited about everything. Before I can overthink it, I throw my arms around Killian tightly. He gasps in surprise and loses his balance for a second, which almost lands us both on the floor. He steadies himself quickly and holds onto me well, so I don't fall.

I chuckle into his neck. He laughs softly, too, as my breath tickles the skin there.

"Hope will finally be able to go back home, where she'll be safe. We did it. We saved her." I say in utter joy.

"Well, we're a good team – you and I." Killian answers.

I pull away from him slightly to look up into his ocean blue eyes. In them I can see the depth of his emotions – his endless happiness and relief. That's when my smile fades a little out of confusion.

Why does Killian care so much about Hope's safety? Is it just to make me happy?

He did mention that he babysits her from time to time, but they can't have bonded that much during those times, right? Sure, she's very to easy to love since she's simple adorable. But from 'time to time' doesn't exactly mean often, right?

Unless –

He was hiding something earlier when he talked about babysitting Hope. I could tell then that he wasn't telling me the whole truth, so what is the real truth? Am I too blind to see it myself?

"You care a lot about Hope, don't you?" I ask quietly.

He nods and raises his eyebrow. "Yes, Swan, why do you ask?"

I can tell he's scared I'm going to ask a particular question. He's acting just like earlier, when I first found out we're true love. So, what is he afraid of this time? What could cause me to run away?

I look at him – really look at him and am reminded of his utter relief at finding the bean. He was just as happy about it as I am.

That's when it hits me. Killian isn't just my true love. He's also the father of my future daughter. I don't know why I haven't realized this before. It's what makes the most sense.

He is my true love, so why would I have a baby with someone else?

Also, Emma told him about Hope. She wouldn't risk the future, if it wasn't important. She went to Killian because he was the only one who could calm Hope down. Hope missed her dad because she's used to seeing him all the time and now he suddenly wasn't there 24/7.

How could I have been so blind? It's the most logical explanation to everything, right?

"Well, you said that you're her babysitter from time to time, but you seem to care a lot more about her than that." I say as I slowly run my hand through his hair. I should probably run from this conversation – a few weeks ago I would've – but I'm not running. I don't even consider it right now. "You were hiding something earlier, what was it?"

Deep down I know the answer, but somehow, I still need to hear him say it.

"I'm sorry for lying to you, Swan. I didn't want to scare you away. I realize I'm using that excuse a lot today, but it's the truth." Killian gives me a small smile, wordlessly asking me if I'm fine. I nod slowly and tighten my hold around his neck.

I smile to let him know it's okay. I forgive him and I'm ready to hear the words now. I won't go anywhere.

"I care a lot about the little lass, not just because she makes it impossible not to care, but also because she is...ours." He says proudly, but also with a hint of worry.

It's exactly what I expected him to say. I still wait for the surprise to kick in – and the fear – but there's neither.

Honestly, I'm glad it's Killian's kid. He cares a lot about both of us and that's not going anywhere. Over the last few weeks I've realized, that Killian is the type of person who commits to things one hundred percent. He doesn't give up once things get messy.

He will never abandon us. I'm sure of that.

He's the person I've been waiting to meet all my life.

Also, he's my true love, apparently, and as he said we're a great team. So, I'm sure we'll do a good job in raising Hope.

I smile at Killian and peck his lips. He relaxes a lot in that instant.

"You can't scare me away that easily anymore. I'm not scared of the future any longer. I want it – with you and our daughter." I say as Killian stares at me in complete awe.

We share a long and passionate kiss, expressing all the feelings we aren't able to put into words.

"Then, lets go to our little love and get her back to safety." Killian says – his forehead locked with mine.

I smile once more and turn to the table one last time to pick up the bean. When I lock my gaze onto it though, it vanishes in a cloud of smoke.


I hear Killian yelling "Swan" next to me. He grabs my hand and urges me to turn around.

I quickly rotate and my jaw drops to the floor at who I see in the doorway. Anger bubbles up in my whole body.

"What do we have here?" The intruder says in a delighted, yet mocking tone.

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