Chapter 6

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David and I are working on some of the paperwork stuff today. It's not very hard and it's boring, so it gives us plenty opportunity to sort through our thoughts about everything that's currently happening in Storybrooke. And to mentally start planning for the impending doom.

Cora, who is a very bad person and managed to get the Evil Queen to work with her, is in my hometown and she's threatening everyone I care about. She hasn't made a real move yet, but I know, that it's happening soon. I should get as much peace and quiet now as possible.

Also, Captain Hook and Rumpelstiltskin recently got into a fight, which resulted in Belle losing her memories and Hook being hit by a car. I'm assuming that that fight will continue any minute now since I got a call from Whale earlier, who said, that Hook discharged himself from the hospital. So he's probably already planning his next attack on Gold. I'd try to stop all that, but I must say, that I don't really care about what happens to either of them. Especially Gold since he mentioned, that he's soon going to cash in that favour I still owe him for saving Ashley's baby from him. He's a crazy person, so the favour will probably be insane too and I don't really feel like finding out what it is about. I doubt it's going to be something pleasant and easy. Why can't he just cash in his favour for a hair of me. I am magical and special after all because of who my parents are.

If all that wasn't enough, there's also a stranger in Storybrooke, which is very weird. For 28 years no one but me was able to enter or leave the town and now there's this weird guy who tweets pictures of his food. Greg Mendell. He just drove over the townline with his car like it's a total normal road, running over Hook in the process.

So, with all the drama going on in Storybrooke at the moment, no one can blame me for grabbing my gun, when I hear the door to the sheriff station open. I point the gun to the entrance of the room and only put it down once I realize, that the intruder really just is my roommate Mary Margret. I sigh in relief.

"Sorry. I thought you might be Cora or Hook or something like that." I apologize. Mary Margret just waves me off and tells me, that it's understandable, which is not exactly a lie under the circumstances.

"What are you doing here, Mary Margret? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" David asks his wife, when she walks over to him and gives him a peck on the lips. They smile at each other and I feel like making up an excuse to leave the room. I hate couples. They make me very uncomfortable and that's not just because I don't do relationships myself. That might have been the case, if I was looking for someone to be with, which I'm not, so there's no jealousy at all involved.

"I'm on lunch break and I thought we could get some takeout from Granny's and have lunch together. As a family." Mary Margret answers and I need to leave more than ever. I can't handle hearing the F-word just yet. I've been alone all my life, so I just hate it when Mary Margret pretends that's not the case and we can just be one happy family. But at least her idea gives me an excuse to flee.

"I'm getting us some takeout. You guys wait here."

I don't give them an opportunity to stop me as I grab my red leather jacket and almost sprint out of the building. Finally, some much needed air and space. That is at least for as long as I see Hook on the other side of the street, heading in my direction.

"Swan." He says cheerfully as a kind of greeting and I just sigh in annoyance. He leans down as if he's about to kiss me and I push him away without a second thought, while glaring at him. What the hell is this about? His stupid innuendoes and the constant flirting aren't enough for him anymore?

"What do you want, Hook?"

He tilts his head and sighs to himself like he's somewhat disappointed.

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