Chapter 37

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"What is that?" I ask as I stare at the pink glowing magic bean. It can't be an actual magic bean, right? They're transparent. At least that's what I've always assumed. I think Mary Margret mentioned that when we were looking for a way home from the Enchanted Forest.

And how the hell did it get here anyway? It wasn't there a second ago. I'm sure of it. But no one was in the station besides Killian and I either. So, what the hell is that thing doing here?

Did Killian put it there?

I glance over at Killian, who to my surprise is smiling brightly at the magic bean. Does he know what it is? Is it his?

Before I can ask him though, he picks up the bean and studies it from all angles. That probably means it's not his, right? So, back to square one.

Killian looks over at me, his face softening even further, if that's possible at this point. I don't think I've ever seen him like this. He's...happy and carefree. Positivity is bursting from his whole body. What is going on? Am I missing something?

"That, Swan, might be Hope's way home." Killian says with a proud smile on his face.

My heart leaps and my face mirrors his.

Hope's way home. That means she'll finally be safe. She'll get back to the rest of her family. There won't be any villains lurking, trying to destroy her happiness.

Hope will finally get to live her happy, simple life once again.

Then it hits me though. Did Killian just mention Hope? How the hell does he even know about her? I never told him. Emma can't have thought telling him is wise, right?

I always thought it was for the best, if only a small group of people knew about her.

I give him a little glare. "How the hell do you know about Hope?"

His gaze falls and he scratches his ear, while blushing profusely.

"Well, umm, your future self might've told me about the little lass." He answers. I continue to glare at him. Why would Emma tell him? He's definitely hiding something – just like everyone else. I'm so sick of it. Why does no one ever trust me? "Apparently, I'm babysitting her often in the future, so I was a help in calming Hope down on occasion." Killian offers.

He isn't telling the truth. Not completely, anyway. I can sense that there is more – something important that he's not ready to share.

But I don't get a moment to let that information sink in or question him further because a second later Belle bursts through the doors of the sheriff's station, a thick book tucked under her left arm.

"This just appeared on my front desk at the library. I never noticed it before. It just appeared – much like Henry's storybook." Belle says. She's completely out of breath. It's a wonder she isn't stumbling over each word since she's speaking so fast. What could possibly be so important, that she ran here for and is so eager to share?

She hands me the book and my eyes grow wide. There's a picture on the cover of a pink magic bean. The title says 'Time-Travel Beans.' The bean on the cover looks identically like the one we just found.

I move my gaze to Killian's, realizing he's already looking right back at me. I smile at him. He was right before. This is Hope's way home.

I look back at the book and open it. The first page seems to give a definition of the bean itself.

"A time-travel bean looks a lot like a magic bean, but it is glowing in pink light. It is much more powerful, too. And much rarer. It can only be created by the strongest and purest forms of true love and when the true love couple has the best, heroic intentions."

I suck in a sharp breath.

The bean appeared right after Killian and I kissed. Does that mean-?

I feel Killian reach out his hand to me. He envelops my hand with his tightly. He looks at me with deep concern – and not an ounce of surprise.

"You knew, didn't you?" I ask. My voice sounds very shallow, portraying both my shock and fear. Killian's hand tightens around mine. He's holding on to me for dear life.

"Yes, love, your future self told me on accident. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want to scare you." Killian says with fear clouding his voice.

He's still afraid I'm going to run away now that I know, isn't he? I'm about to say something snarky in return, when I hold myself back. How can I blame him for thinking I'd run away? It's what I'd usually do.

It's honestly surprising that I'm still here right now.

I know this should scare me – true love is a big commitment and people always leave me – but I don't want to run. I want this future with Killian. I still have my doubts, but who doesn't?

Deep down though, I'm happy that Killian is my true love. I trust him, which is something I can't say about a lot of people.

"It's okay." I say and Killian's face lights up. I give his hand a squeeze and turn my focus back to the book.

"Time-travel beans can be used just like regular magic beans. You throw them before you and then you step through them, thinking about the place and time you want to go."

"They contain very powerful magic, so they will not only bring you back to the future, but they'll also make things go back to the way they were, if that's what you want."

I smile.

We really have everything to send my baby back home now, where she'll be safe. I'm so happy, even though I'll be sad to see her go. I know it's what's best for her though. I have to be selfless for her. She deserves it.

I'm glad, that either way I'll see her again a few years down the road.

I look at Belle. "Thank you so much for the book. You were a great help."

"I'm glad I could help. But I should go back to the library now. I left it unlocked." Belle says, before backing away and leaving the Sheriff's station in a rush. 

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