Chapter 33

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~~~ EMMA'S POV ~~~

When Hook joined me at Granny's earlier, I never would've thought he'd order my favorite food for himself. Usually, he just pulls a face at my meals and mentions a million times how unhealthy it all is.

I'm sure that's still going to happen.

Ruby really needs to hurry up with his order, I'm sure it'll be interesting and funny once it arrives. I'm really looking forward to it.

Or maybe the three-hundred years old pirate, sitting across from me will actually enjoy modern food. Who knows? He is full of surprises sometimes after all. I never imagined that we'd be friends either. Back when my future self told me, that we will be, I was really shocked and didn't want to believe her. But she is right. We do get along well - once we sort of got to know each other anyway.

He isn't that bad, really, if you can see past the constant innuendoes and flirtations. It's not like he's being serious after all. It's just how he acts with everyone, and once I realized that I was okay with it.

Knowing that he's not in love with me at all helped me accept him as a friend. We're not awkward around each other any longer ever since I figured out that piece of information.

Ruby suddenly arrives back at our table and sets down Hook's food and hot cocoa in front of him, effectively drowning out all of my thoughts. The fun's about to start!

Apparently, I'm not the only one who's curious here, seeing as Ruby doesn't leave once she set down the food. She stays right next to our table, looking at Hook with a smirk. He smiles at her for a moment. "Thank you, lass."

I don't know what's happening, but suddenly my blood runs cold and I can't help but think back to that time Hook was in the hospital. He flirted with Ruby back there, too. The only difference is, that this time she doesn't roll her eyes. Is there something going on here?

A moment passes until Ruby smirks once more and walks away. "Enjoy the food, captain."

This shouldn't come as a surprise to me. They both are the biggest flirts this town has to offer. Of course, they would eventually end up flirting with each other. It only makes sense.

The only thing that does not make any sense is, that I feel a clench in my heart. Why does this seem to bother me? I don't care what they do in their spare time. I should be glad right? Hook being interested in Ruby means he really doesn't have feelings for me. That's a good thing.

I should be happy about it, but somehow I'm not.

~~~ HOOK'S POV ~~~

The wolf girl brings my food out - if you can actually call this junk, food. Why did I decide to order it again? Ah, right. Because it's Swan's favorite. This woman will be the bloody death of me.

I raise my head up from the plate to glance at Emma, when I notice Ruby is still standing there, looking at me in amusement.

"Thank you, lass." I tell her, hoping she'll take the clue and leave. I can't risk her saying anything to Swan about me ordering this meal just because I want to bond with her.

Luckily, the wolf girl takes the hint and smirks at me one last time before she eventually walks back to the counter.

I move my gaze back to Swan and am surprised to see her all stiff and pale. What the bloody hell is going on? Is she sick? Is she okay?

"Everything alright, Swan?" I try hard to keep the worry out of my voice, but I'm not sure it really works that well. Let's just hope Swan doesn't catch on to it. It would surely send her running once again. I can't let that happen. We're just getting along. I can't lose her again, especially not, if I want to help my sweet baby daughter get home. She's counting on me and I won't let her down. Not ever.

Something in her shifts as sudden as a lightning strike. Emma relaxes again. She gives me a soft smile and a nod. I can tell that the smile is fake. She is an open book after all. At least to me. But I don't comment on it, no matter how much I wish I could. I won't push my luck. That's not a good idea when it to my Swan.

She is easily freaked, but who could really blame her? She had to go through so much, and she was all alone for the first 28 years of her life. And still, unlike me, she never gave in to darkness. She stayed true to herself.

She's the strongest person, that I know.

"So, how's the food." She motions her head towards my untouched plate. I give her a smile and pick up an onion ring. I put it into my mouth and as I chew, I must admit that it doesn't taste half as bad as I thought. I then take a bite from the grilled cheese.

Swan was right. This does taste pretty good. How could I have ever doubted her?

"It's good." I say to her with a bright smile on my face. I can't believe we have this in common, too. I always just assumed that we bond easily because of our similar pasts, but looks like we have more things in common than I thought.

"Just 'good'?" Emma raises an eyebrow - or tries to do so. But both of her eyebrows just raise up in the process. Was she trying to do my infamous eyebrow-raise?

"Very good, Swan. I love it." Not as much as I love you, but that was to be expected. Nothing could ever compare to my love for Emma Swan, to be completely honest.

She smiles brightly at that and we continue to eat our meal in silence.

Once both our plates and cups are empty, Swan gives me another small smile. "I gotta get back to work. Cora won't turn up on her own, I fear."

"Then, I won't keep you any longer from it." I say.

Emma seems to be lost in her thoughts for a moment before she continues speaking. "Actually, why don't you join me on patrol? Driving around town isn't the most exciting thing to do. Some company would be nice and you know Cora, so you might be able to help. Only if you want to, of course."

"I'm in."

I can't believe Swan just invited me to spend more time with her. Am I already making progress?

I get up and put down some doubloons to cover our meal. Swan surprisingly doesn't complain about me paying for both of our meals.

Then, we both walk towards the door and leave the diner. In the doorway, we run into her mother.

"Emma! I was just picking up some food for your father and I. Do you want anything?" She looks at her daughter with a smile.

"Oh, no it's fine. Hook and I already ate. We're going on patrol now." Swan answers. That also seems to be the moment her mother first realizes I'm here. She looks over to me and her eyes narrow.

"Since when do you go on patrol with Hook?" I can tell she tries to remain calm, but her cold voice betrays her. It seems the lady Snow doesn't approve of me spending time with Emma. It's probably the whole pirate thing, but maybe if I help them find Cora, they'll realize that I'm not just a pirate, but also someone who is willing to become a better man for Emma. Someone who is worthy of her love.

"He knows Cora, so he could be helpful." Emma says, also rather coldly. "If you excuse us now. We gotta get back to work." 

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