Chapter 39

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~~~ CORA'S POV ~~~

I've spent my day watching the so called Savior and her pirate searching for clues as to where I am through a pocket mirror.

I'm not sure the name Savior is appropriate though. She doesn't seem to save anyone here. She hasn't even been able to locate me, much less been able to defeat me.

I laugh to myself. What an amateur.

The girl might have magic, strong magic, I've seen that at Lake Nostos, but she isn't able to control it. So, she can't exactly use her raw power.

Emma Swan is not a threat to me, no matter how much the people of Storybrooke believe her to be one.

Soon, this town will be mine. I'll destroy them all. And all she'll be able to do is watch it happen in front of her eyes. I'll make sure, that she'll have a front row seat. I'll enjoy that moment once it's here.

It'll be great to see the defeat and failure in her eyes.

As soon as Rumple's new toy joins the Savior and her lap dog, I know exactly how to destroy them. They have a time-travel bean. But not for long. It'll be mine soon enough.

And then I'll go back in time. I'll kill that pathetic Eva and then, Leopold will be mine. With her gone, he'll have no choice but to marry me.

I'll finally be the queen I was always meant to be.

I'll strike as soon as the bookworm leaves. I can't have her summon the Dark One. Rumple might be able to defeat me. I can't take any chances.

So, I wait and listen to their conversation.

As it appears the Swan girl has a child besides my daughter's son, which travelled here from the future. I chuckle to myself. It'll be so fun to see her face, once she realizes the bean is mine. I think I'll stay for a little while just to torment her.

I continue to watch them and soon enough the librarian leaves. I close my mirror and prepare myself for the fight.

It's time.


My jaw drops to the floor at seeing Cora standing in the doorway, a smug smile covering her face. Anger bubbles up in my whole body.

"What do we have here?" She says in a delighted, yet mocking tone.

"Give that back." I say coldly, willing my magic to get the bean back in my hand. But it doesn't work. Of course it doesn't. I'm terrible with magic. I'm a failure, no matter how much Hook believes in me. Now I'm letting him down, and even worse, I'm letting my - our daughter down.

Cora laughs coldly. "Why would I do that, you pathetic little girl?"

I see where Regina gets her rudeness from. They're exactly the same.

"This bean is mine now, Ms Swan."

"It's not." I yell. I feel Hook's hand reaching for mine, but I take a step away from him. I really don't need his pity right now. I've got to find a way to get that bean.

Where the hell is my gun? It should be somewhere here, right?

"Love, you can use your magic." Hook says softly, giving me an encouraging nod.

"I CAN'T, okay? So just shut up!" I snap at him and as I do the lights explode. Why does my magic always just work in causing damage? Why does it never help me?

I try to focus my anger on Cora, but nothing.

The old witch laughs again, the bean glowing brightly in the palm of her hand.

"She can't use her magic - not in her favour. She is a big failure, Captain, haven't you noticed that yet? It's probably for the best, that I'll use the time portal to kill her grandmother. That way she'll never get to exist and neither will your daughter. She'll only fail that one, too, otherwise."

Hope. No.

She can't go back in time. My daughter deserves to exist and so does Henry. I have to save them. I have to protect them from her.

Otherwise, I'll just prove Cora right. She can't be right.

I'm not a failure. I'm the Savior. It's my destiny to defeat people like her.

I'm stronger than her. I always have been. I just didn't know it.

This time Hook reaches for my hand, I let him hold mine. I interlace our fingers and give him a quick smile.

"You can do this, Swan." He says quietly, so that only I can hear.

I nod and concentrate.

Magic is about emotion. I recall Gold telling me this.

So, I picture Hope and Henry smiling at me. I think about why I'm doing this – to protect them. I love them and I don't want anything bad to ever happen to them.

I focus all that love and energy on the bean, and suddenly I feel a little poof and the bean is in my hand. But I can't celebrate for long. Not yet.

Cora realizes that I have the bean pretty quickly, too. There's a lot of anger on her face.

I put the bean in the palm of Hook's hand. "Hold on to this. I've got a witch to burn."

I focus back on the raw power inside of me. I think about Hope again and everyone else that I'm protecting by getting rid of Cora.

Then, suddenly, there's another poof beside me. A second later Killian appears next to the witch. She chuckles darkly.

"Giving the bean to the pirate – not your best idea, Ms Swan. I've got magic and he only has one hand." She forcefully grabs the bean out of his hand.

Hook tries to attack her with his hook, but she deflects his attack with her magic, throwing him through the room and right at the wall. He lands on the floor, his eyes closed and not moving.

"No! Hook!" I shout.

I channel all my anger and worry about Hook into one outlet. I knock Cora out with my magic. She doesn't see it coming, and falls unconscious on the floor, too.

I rush over to Hook. I sink to my knees in front of him and put my hands on his shoulders, shaking him lightly. "Hook! Killian! Wake up! Please." I continue to shake him, as the first tear escapes my eyes.

This can't be happening. He has to be okay.

Find My Way Back To YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora