Chapter 25

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 AN: Hi. I know the updates are coming quite slowly these days, but that's bc uni started and I don't have as much time anymore. Also I don't have Wifi yet, so if you have questions, i might not be able to answer quickly. But thanks for sticking with this story anyway. I love you guys so much. 


--- EMMA'S POV ---

When I get back to my parents' loft, I look around for Emma, but she's luckily nowhere to be found yet. I sigh in relief. Luckily, she needs more time to sort through her fears and issues. I know she said she'll go to the station to work a little, but that was a lie. It was a code for needing some alone time.

I should've thought of the possibility of her returning early beforehand, but it never even crossed my mind. I was too focused on fixing my mistakes and getting back home. Missing my baby is one of the hardest things I've ever faced – including my crappy childhood and multiple villains.

Also meeting up with Killian – no matter if he's a past version of him or not – always leaves me kind of distracted. Him not remembering our love for each other doesn't change that in the slightest. But who could blame me? I mean have you seen him? My husband is the most attractive guy to walk this planet and I'm not just saying that because I love him, which I do a lot. But it's also the complete truth. Anyone sane would agree with me on this, unless they're blind or stupid.

If you don't agree, there's something seriously wrong with you. I mean I could still admit that he's devilishly handsome when I was still guarded like hell – even back when I denied that there's even the slightest bit of a spark between us. I wouldn't have used those exact words to mess with him, but I would be able to admit it to my own stubborn self. I also probably wouldn't have told him any of this, but that's doesn't matter. Deep down I always knew that he's incredibly hot.

"What has you so relieved and blushing, Emma? Did you run here?" Mary Margret says from kitchen. She's looking at me intently, trying to read me and I could slap myself right now. Why didn't I check whether she was here? I only searched for Emma and just ignored everything else – and well everyone else, too. I could've hidden my relief if I knew she was here. Then she would have no reason to be noisy about this. Hell, I should've known she was here anyway. She never left unlike Emma, dad and me.

Maybe I should've asked my dad to watch over Hope instead. He's a great dad to me and in my timeline, he loves Hope a lot, too. Once she's grown up into a teenager David and Killian will probably have fights about who can protect Hope from more boys, merely looking her way. They won't let her date anyone until she's at least fifty. And maybe my little brother and Henry will help them, too. They're all quite fond of the newest family member.

The best thing is, that dad probably wouldn't bother me about anything. He'd be too scared that I'd answer with missing my husband or something about our private life behind closed doors. That's definitely something he doesn't want to hear about. Not ever. I remember how he acted when I got back from my first date with Killian and my mom wanted to know every detail about it. He was even freaked out about the possibility that we might've kisse, which we did. It was great. We would've done more, if I wasn't still living with my parents at that point.

My parents' expressions and chats that night were kind of funny – especially my dads'. I would've laughed if they weren't my parents and I wasn't embarrassed.

But even if I would've asked dad to babysit, mom might still have stayed home with them, too. She wouldn't pass up an opportunity to hang out with a baby. Especially in this timeline, in which she never got to hang out with me as a baby and my baby brother isn't born yet.

Well he isn't quite a baby anymore, but I like to taunt him with it. That's what big sisters are for, right?

"Yes, I did run here." Well not really but I let her believe so. I can't talk to her about Killian since I might mess up and accidently reveal his identity. "There's nothing wrong. I'm just glad to be back. I miss Hope like hell, so where is my little baby? I need to see her right now." At least I don't have to lie – I'm a terrible liar after all, but luckily Hope is here. My little savior. She is one, too, right? Since Killian and I share true love, so she's the product of true love. If you want to be specific, she's the product of true love in second generation. So, there's a lot of love flooding through her veins. No wonder she's so amazing. No one could ever help loving her.

Also, no wonder, that she was powerful enough to beam us back in time. I should've thought of her powers beforehand. Then we could've made her a little bracelet, which prevents her magic, until the age she'll be able to control it. If that's what she wants. I won't choose for her whether she'll want to have her own magic or not and I know Killian will agree with me. We want for her to be happy and for her to make decisions that help her and not hurt her. I won't force her to give up her magic or the other way around. It has to be her choice.

"She's sleeping in her crib upstairs." Mary Margret says with a big smile on her face. I'm glad she's happy for me. It sometimes doesn't show since she's always busy mothering Regina, but deep down she does love me. She wants the best for me now.

I guess she just doesn't like spending as much time with me because she never got to be my mother, when I was still a child. I think seeing me makes her think of my painful childhood and that causes her guilt. So, she rather avoids me. I get it, I really do, but I must admit that it hurts a lot too. Sometimes I feel like she wishes Regina was her daughter instead. And that's when I always get my whole abandonment issues again and again.

Thankfully I've got Killian now. I know he'll never leave me and whenever I have a bad day, thinking back to the past, he helps me through it as best as he can. I love him for it. I could never even put into words how much he means to me.

My mom has to say no more before I sprint up the stairs and sit next to the crib. I look down at my little angel and a big smile instantly covers my whole face.

She really is sleeping soundly. Gosh, she is the most adorable sleeper with her tiny eyes closed and her tiny hands wrapped inside her onesie. I should get her another blanket since that could mean she's freezing. I don't want her to get a cold.

As if she senses my presence, she wakes up. I only got to watch this sleeping beauty – well not literally, I suppose, but still – for thirty seconds or so.

She looks up at me and smiles happily. She reaches her hand out to me and makes these noises that sound like a laugh.

I pick her up from the crib and hug her tightly to me. "Did you have a nice nap, sweetie? Mommy missed you a lot. She never wanted to leave in the first place but had to do it anyway. I'm sorry, my baby. I love you."

She 'laughs' again and pulls lightly on my hair. Maybe I should get a haircut sometime since this way she always ends up pulling on it. "Hope Margret Swan-Jones." I say quietly in a warning tone, which is still sounding very nice though. I don't think I'll ever be able to get really mad at her. It's the same way with Henry. I just love them so much, that I don't even want to risk upsetting them. They're my everything and deserve only the best.i need to protect them from any harm.

It's also nice to be the fun parent.

Henry has Regina as a strict parent and Hope will have to deal with a cranky parent once she's a teenager anyway – and spoiler alert, it won't be me.

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