Chapter 31

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~~~ EMMA'S POV ~~~

"I will find a way back home. And before I leave, I'll erase everyone's memories of us. That should solve the problem. You're going to help me get back home."

His head shoots up and he raises his eyebrow. "Me? How am I supposed to help you, Swan? I don't even have magic."

"I know. But we're a great team, so we'll figure something out. Together." I smile at him and run my hand softly over Hope's head, brushing Hook's arm in the process.

Then I smile at him, remembering our first adventure to the past. He hasn't lived through it yet though. Then, I think about the fact, that maybe reliving some moments from that adventure might help me figure out how to get back home. Like some sort of inspiration.

So, I scratch my ear like I've seen Killian do a million times and ask him something that he once asked me. "So, any ideas on how to get back?"

I can see that he's thinking about it for a second, but then he slightly shakes his head. He sighs. "No, I'm sorry, Swan. I'm not too familiar with magic."

That's what I thought.

We both look down at Hope as if she could say something and just suddenly fix all of our problems. But unfortunately, she's just a baby. She can't help us. Not with this - at least for now. And since she doesn't seem to be aging, nor do I particularly want to stay here for years, I guess I have to fix this on my own.

Then I can feel Hook's gaze on me once again. I look up at him. He seems to want to ask me something but is obviously hesitant. I've never known him to be shy. Must be because the baby still makes him sort of nervous. It's the same with my Killian back in my own timeline.

He's always so worried about her, that he just gets kind of shy at times when we're alone. And overprotective at all other occasions. It was really annoying during my pregnancy since he just wanted me to be too careful with every single thing in the world - but I do love him for it.

I give Hook one of his encouragement nods to signalize to him, that he can ask me anything.

He gives me a small smile, before beginning to talk. "Swan, does anyone else know, that you are here? Like in the past?"

I nod.

"Yes. My parents and Emma know, too. It was sort of an accident just like our first meeting." Hook sucks in a breath at my mention of Emma knowing the truth. He seems to be freaking out right now. Did he tell her about the kiss? If that is the case, it's honestly a wonder Emma hasn't put two and two together.

I must have been even more guarded than I think I was.

"Don't worry. Emma knows about me being here, but she doesn't know about the two of you. If she would, she probably would've run back to Boston already. She did almost do that when she first found out about Hope, but it's okay now. The baby and the idea of having her has grown on her quite a bit. You two seem to be getting along well, so I doubt she would still run if she found out." I give him a reassuring smile.

Hook sighs loudly in relief.

"Good. I was afraid, that she figured it out about us because I did mention that kiss on the Jolly quite often to her. Or was that you?"

I shake my head. "Nope. That was Emma. But wait for a second, you told her?!" I ask surprised. So, Emma did know and she didn't run?

That's a good sign.

So, I was probably right a few weeks ago, when Emma acted weird after she saw Hook at the Rabbit Hole. I always knew, that there was something she wasn't telling me - something big.

But she also got over her panic rather quickly, which made me doubt my theory. But apparently, she isn't as guarded as I thought she was. That might be because of her connection to Hope - it must affect her in some way, right? In a hopeful and positive way most likely.

Maybe Emma does know about her future with Hook subconsciously and that's why they get along so well lately - without that taking years.

I think I might have an idea on how to get us home. Perhaps, Emma and Hook have to fall in love with each other in this timeline. Maybe true love's kiss will bring us back because the product of mine and Killian's true love brought us here. The answer to my problems might've been staring right in my face for quite some time.

"Emma, is everything okay? You seem vexed, love." Hook says softly, now standing right next to me with Hope. He looks at me with worry.

"I think I might have an idea on how to get home," I say - a big smile spreading across my face.

Hook smiles back at me a little and gives me one of his famous encouraging nods to let me know he's all ears.

"Hope's magic brought us here, and it looked nothing like an actual time portal or any portal, really. So, I believe we might be able to fix this with true love's kiss." I say warily. I haven't exactly told him, that what we have is true love. I'm not sure how he's going to react, honestly.

I mean he did never make it a secret, that he fancied me - even then. But true love? That might even freak him out a bit. I doubt it, but it's a possibility.

"So, if your parents know about you, then let them do just that. And then we'll see if it's working." Hook says, once again proving that he always believes in me.

"She was not conceived by their true love, so that won't work I'm sure. I was thinking, that you need to make Emma fall in love with you."

He looks puzzled for a second. He looks at Hope, who lets out a cute little sound. But then realization dawns on him and his head snaps up to meet my gaze. "Wait, are you saying - ?"

"Yes. It's true love."

I see the brightest smile on his face. I think the only two times I've seen a brighter smile were on our wedding day and the day that I told him I was pregnant with Hope.

"I'm obviously not sure it'll work, but it's worth a try, right? Emma and you get along so well lately, that I think it'll all work out just fine. Will you help me?"

"Of course, Swan." His voice sounds very excited. But how could I blame him - he just found out that we're true love back in a time he wasn't sure his feelings would ever be returned - for all he knew the future could change after all. This is basically confirmation to him, that one day the woman he loves will love him, too. And he'll be with her forever. "I'd go to the ends of the world for Emma, you and this little lass."

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