When I went to my new dorm, I was surprised to see that I still had the dorm to myself. There was a letter on my bed and it said that this will be my dorm until I graduated so I could leave things in this dorm since it was going to be mine alone until then. I still had a secret room in my dorm so I used it to keep my materials in it. Ever since the Slytherin girls bought the clothes I made for them, I've been having requests from all the houses to make clothes for them. Even some boys asked me the same thing. All the money I earned since then I sent it to Gringotts s the goblins could put it in my bank account. The one I made, not the one dad made for me. The lady from last year sent me all the lacrimas that I was missing and even a pair of gale glasses (the fast reading glasses she had in Fairy Tail). She said that I could find a use for them since she'd had them for years and no one has seemed to want them. Since she needed space for new things she sent me the things she was going to throw out with a bill that had most of the things discounted. I sent her the money I owed her and a letter thanking her for everything she sent me.

Right now, Harry, Ron, Hermione and I were watching the kids all go home. As we went up the stairs trying to get Harry out of thinking he caused the attack Hermione said: "If it makes you feel any better, Malfoy is staying for the holidays too," I looked at her confused "Why would that make anyone feel any better?" Ron asked her and she said "Because in a few days the Polyjuice potion will be ready. In a few days, we may truly know who is the Heir of Slytherin," she said and we nodded. They told me about the Polyjuice potion a week after I moved to the Gryffindor tower since I caught them coming out of the girl's bathroom. Of course, I didn't tell them that I already knew about it.

As I went to the fourth floor, I bumped into Lucas on the way there "Where are you going?" he asked me as he followed "To practice," I said as I continued. He nodded and continued to follow me. I sighed as I knew he wasn't going to stop following me until he got what he wanted "What do you want Lucas?" I asked him "I wanna know if I managed to change your mind yet?" he asked. "No," I said and he playfully pouted "Alright, I'll keep trying," he said as he left and I continued on my way. When I got to my training room I opened a portal to the dragon realm. Once there, I was greeted by Viper "Mother, are you here for lessons?" she asked me and I nodded. I went to the lightning dragon and continued with my training. 

~During dinner a few days later~

I sat at the Gryffindor table for lunch. I was listening to Hermione tell the boys that they need a piece of Crabbe and Goyle to make the potion work. I told them that I would just wait for them since I don't want to go back there. They agreed but still talked about it with me. "Who are you going to be?" Ron asked Hermione. She pulled out a vial with a piece of hair inside "Millicent Bulstrode. Slytherin. I got this off her robes," she said and I stuck my hand out for her to give me the vial. She gave it to me and I checked it "Hermione, this is cat fur. Millicent has a cat and its fur got stuck on her robes. I know this because she used to always give me her robes so I could clean them," I said and she looked horrified. "I can get Slytherin hair but that is if you don't mind being a boy for about an hour," I said and she thought about it. She then nodded her head "For an hour, I'm fine with it," she said and I nodded. "I give it to you in the girl's bathroom in half an hour. I'll keep Lucas busy while you guys are gone," they nodded and I left to find Lucas.

I found him on the balcony on the third floor "Hey," I said from behind him. "What are you doing here?" he asked me "Looking for you," I said as he turned to me. I pulled hairs from his robe and made a clone. I discretely gave her the hairs and sent her off "I promised Harry, Ron, and Hermione that I'd hang out with them tonight so I just sent my clone so I could stay here," I said and he nodded. "How come you weren't at dinner?" I asked him. "Didn't feel like going," he said and I nodded. I grabbed his hand pulled him towards one of the corridors with a secret passage. I pulled him through it and led him towards my dorm. "Where are we going?" he asked me and I responded "My dorm," I said he we got to the secret room in my dorm. I went to my dorm and welcomed him "This is my new dorn. No one comes in here so you're safe," I said as he looked around "Why am I here?" he asked and I pulled out a plate of food from my cabinet "So you could eat and just to hang out," I said and gave him the food. I pulled out my sketchbook and started drawing clothes for one of the boys that gave me a request. Lucas looked at what I was doing and said: "Need help?" I looked at him confused "You know how to draw?" I asked and he nodded. I gave him the book and a pencil as he started drawing on the picture that I was making. 

When he handed it back to me, I saw that what he did was perfect. He made exactly what I needed for this boy. I jumped on him, and since he was sitting on my bed, I ended up on top of him. He hugged me back "Thank you so much, I was stuck on that drawing for two days. Thank you," I said and continued to hug him completely unaware of how we looked right now. I kissed his cheek and got off him and started pulling fabric from my secret room and began making the shirt. "Your welcome," he said and watched me sew together the fabric for the shirt and cut a few pieces here and there. I started humming a song as I worked. Lucas grabbed my hands and took the fabric from the "What are you doing?" I asked him as I looked at him confused "Taking your attention from that thing to me," he said and hugged my waist since we were still sitting on my bed. "You tired?" I asked him and he nodded. I check the time and saw that it has only passed Half an hour since Hermione, Ron, and Harry got to Slytherin so I need him here for another half hour.

"How about you help me write a song? Gives you something to do and you won't be late to the common room because I have a passageway straight there so you'll be fine," I said and he nodded. I took out my music book and showed it to him. "Let's work on this and then when it's done, let's sing it together," he said and I looked at him confused "You sing too?" I asked him and he shook his head "Not often, but for you, I'll make an exception," he said and I smiled. For half an hour we worked on the song. It turned out really good in the end. When we finished we decided to sing it together.

When you're on your own
Drowning alone
And you need a rope that can pull you in
Someone will throw it

And when you're afraid
That you're gonna break
And you need a way to feel strong again
Someone will know it

And even when it hurts the most
Try to have a little hope
That someone's gonna be there when you don't
When you don't

If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything you need that's what I'll be
You can come to me

You struggle inside
Losing your mind
Fighting and trying to be yourself
When somebody lets you

Out in the cold
But nowhere to go
Feeling like no one could understand
Then somebody gets you

So take a breath and let it go
And try to have a little hope
'Cause someone's gonna be there when you don't
When you don't

If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything you need, that's what I'll be
You can come to me

Like a chain that never breaks
Like a truth that never bends
Like a glue that takes a broken heart and puts it back again
It's the feeling that you get
It's the moment that you know
That no matter what the future holds
You'll never be alone

If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything you need, that's what I'll be
If you wanna climb, I'll be your ladder
If you wanna run, I'll be your road
If you want a friend, doesn't matter when
Anything you need, that's what I'll be
You can come to me

You can come to me

I was glad that it ended so well. And I found out that Lucas was a very good singer. I noticed that it has been an hour by now and Harry, Hermione, and Ron should be here by now. My clone says that they are on their way here. "I should show you to your common room now since it is late," I said and I walked to the secret room. I took him to my old dorm and made sure he got to the boy's dorm without getting caught. He pecked my cheek before going into his dorm and leaving me alone. I blushed but quickly left to my old dorm so I could get to my dorm. Once I got there, I heard a knock on my door. I went to open it and let in the Golden Trio as they told me what they find out. 

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