Part 32: Public Enemy #1

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"What?" I frowned.

"Who is the hooker hanging on him in this picture?" Jozie gave me a sly grin. My eyes, as well as those of all three boys shot up as she slapped the magazine on the table for all to see.

I craned my neck to look at the page and felt a flush, as well as a shy smile, run across my face. Staring back at me was a black and white ad for Royal Underground with a photo of Nikki and me. It was a shot of the two of us facing the camera, smirking, me topless with his arms around my chest, and my hand grasping the rosary beads on his neck. "That would be me, asshole."

"Shut up, let me see!" Tommy scooted over to look. He scanned the shot and flipped the page to find a second photo. This one had me facing Nikki instead of the camera so the back of my leather pants were on full display. "Dude, these came out amazing!"

"When did you do these?" Jozie asked.

"June," I answered, a bit taken aback but still grinning as my insides started going all gooey. Those pictures captured the moment when Nikki and me became "us".

Had it really been five months already? Damn.

"You make Sixx look good," James commented over Tommy's shoulder.

"Like that's a hard thing to do." I quietly replied.

Tommy must have heard me because he met my eyes with an unreadable look and then focused his eyes over my shoulder. "Speak of the fuckin devil."

I turned around and almost didn't recognize him as he walked towards us. However, buried somewhere under a black wool hat, and layers upon layers of clothing as well as a large black coat was Nikki. I could feel the cold coming off of him from two feet away.

"Is that coffee?" He slid into the seat next to mine rubbing his gloved hands together and nodding at the carafe on the table.

"Yeah," DJ responded.

"Good. Pour it on me." Nikki loosened his scarf, still breathless from the bitter cold outside. He nodded thanks at me when I poured and handed him a full mug of coffee.

"Cold enough out there for ya, Sixx?" I smirked back at him as I recalled his words. It's not that cold out there. I can take it. Stubborn ass.

"It's fine, "he muttered while he sipped his coffee. His eyes moved from mine down to the still open magazine on the table and he flinched a bit when he saw himself looking back at him. "What's that?"

"That is you and the lady to your left striking a pose for Royal Underground." Jozie beamed at him.

Nikki removed his gloves and picked up the magazine, studying it as a warm, sugary smile cast itself across his lips. I wondered if he had thoughts similar to mine and if the memory of that day was flooding him. He tossed a proud look my way. "It's you and me, kid."

"It is," I smiled back at him, my face heating up from a blush.

"Seriously, Monty those are good shots. Hefner may come knocking on your door for a centerfold." Tommy stated.

"Pfft. Doubtful. And even if he did, I'm not interested."

"Why not?" James inquired, moving his purple play piece around the board. I felt Nikki tense up beside me.

"I'm not a whore."

"Hey! Pam has been in Playboy many times." Tommy defended.

I cocked my eyebrow at him. "My point exactly."

Tommy flipped me the bird while he continued to flip through the magazine. "It's really just a tittie mag. Not like its Hustler. Hustler would want you to show some snatch."

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