Chapter 7: Worlds Collide

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"I still can't quite understand it though... Why this band specifically?" Jack wonders to himself, looking at the ring he gave to Lumen. "Is it the properties of the band? Or did it activate upon Lumen's touch?"

"That's what I'm wondering as well. In here my septimal powers shouldn't be working..." Lumen says. "It's like your world has put a damper on them."

"...Unless they're simply inactive." Jack concludes. "Just because you can't use your powers doesn't mean they're suddenly poof gone."

"You could do pretty well in my world with this kind of knowledge!" Lumen says, surprised at how fast Jack came to a hypothesis.

"Hm... Let's test this out then." Jack says as he finds another band.

"Where do you get this kind of money? Are you a freelancer?" Lumen asks as Jack searches for a band.

"Not a freelancer, but I am a voice actor. I get paid pretty well for that kind of stuff." Jack replies as he comes back with a band. It's the same band as the one he gave to Lumen, silver tungsten, and he slips it on his finger. "Alright Lumen, take off your band for now."

"I think I know what you're doing." Lumen says as she takes off her band and presses her palm on his. Much to their surprise, Lumen can feel something coming off his palm. "I don't believe it!"

"Looks like my theory was right. Your powers are just inactive, but it looks like through these bands septimal power can be channeled. All it took was your touch and the ring is able to channel septimal power." Jack concludes as he and Lumen let go and she puts her band back on. "It'll probably be a while because I don't wear this band often, but like we're testing out, give it long enough and I'll start to see some results."

"Oh wait, look at your band!" Lumen says, and both of them realize something amazing- while the whole of the ring is black, the edges are silver, and on Jack's band the silver edges are starting to turn a shade of electric blue.

"I don't wear this band as often but I do wear it every now and then, and I guess this band remembers!" Jack says in amazement as he can see little bolts of lightning dance around on his fingers before snuffing them. "If I wear this long enough, I may have full access to this Azure Striker septima... Was it within me this whole time?"

"Possibly." Lumen says. "For all I know, you could be an adept, and you could easily come with me to my world if you wanted to."

"You've mentioned it every now and then but it doesn't sound like a pleasant one." Jack replies.

"Man I don't know why but I'm seeing so much of GV in you. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised this Azure Striker septima was in you." Lumen says. "If you'd like, I can help you control this power."

"I'd much rather do that than accidentally fry someone to a crisp because I like this band a lot." Jack chuckles.

"I've been around GV long enough to know some cool stuff." Lumen giggles. "This could be fun."

"Well, if we're going to test anything, it best be somewhere where I won't cause collateral damage." Jack replies. "I don't know how much of my septima this band can channel and I don't want to accidentally burn my house down with a giant bolt of lightning."

"I may reach full capability within a couple of weeks." Lumen says, looking at her ring. "But just remember if I sing your powers will be enhanced. You shouldn't have to worry now but later on just be sure you've taken your ring off or else one or both of us may get zapped."

"Right, I haven't forgotten about The Muse." Jack chuckles.

"Well, where do you suppose we do your training?" Lumen asks.

"Remember the park? The one where we first met?" Jack asks. "Barely anyone goes to that park anymore, it could be the perfect training ground."

"That's perfect!" Lumen says before her stomach starts rumbling.

"Sounds like someone's hungry." Jack chuckles, and Lumen joins in. "Anything you really want?"

"How's seafood sound?" Lumen asks.

"What kind of seafood? I have fish, squid, cuttlefish and whatnot." Jack replies.

"Just whatever really." Lumen giggles.

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