Chapter 6: Goddess Reincarnate

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As soon as Jack and Lumen got home, the former dumped his backpack next to one of the sofas and instantly stomped downstairs to release whatever anger was left over from the incident that happened earlier. From upstairs Lumen can hear Jack thrashing his punching bag around like an untamed beast before she finally hears him bellow the likes of a war cry, and then she hears a loud snapping noise. Alarmed, Lumen rushes downstairs to see that Jack had hit the bag so hard that he ripped the chain the bag was hanging from right out of the ceiling.

"...Are you sure you're okay?" Lumen asks.

"I'm fine now..." Jack mumbles. "Crap... I thought getting this heavier bag would mean fewer issues like this..."

"Wait... How heavy is this?" Lumen asks again.

"A good 240 pounds, and I just ripped it's chain out of the ceiling..." Jack replies as he spends an hour getting the bag back up and hanging. "I guess I had a lot more steam to let off than I thought."

"I know I wouldn't want to mess with you." Lumen chuckles.

"I could never hit that pretty face." Jack chuckles back as he steps off to the side and lets Lumen throw a few punches. She manages to make the bag move around some with each punch, but after the 30th one, Lumen's tired out.

"How... Do you... Manage... So many hard hits?!" Lumen asks Jack, panting.

"Hardcore training." Jack replies, demonstrating as he throws an array of his hardest punches and kicks, rocking the bag with each and every one, and after his 50th he is still powering on like he just started. Lumen can only watch in awe as Jack finally finishes with a roundhouse kick and wipes off some sweat on his forehead. With that, Jack removes the bandages on his hands and the two head upstairs and eat a quick lunch consisting of rice with steamed broccoli, green bell peppers and chicken drizzled with soy sauce, and they try their best to forget what happened earlier. "Hey Lumen, wanna arm wrestle?"

"...Arm wrestle?" Lumen asks. Jack then leads Lumen over to a table where he demonstrates what to do, and with everything set, the two begin the match. Jack goes easy on Lumen but even then, something odd happens as Lumen reacts as if she had just been struck by lightning, violently jolting for a few seconds before returning to normal. "Whoa... What in the world?!"

"Did I just do that?!" Jack asks, looking at his hands. "There's no way this band could have done anything... Could it?" On his right ring finger is a silver tungsten band, and he takes it off to examine it a little further. When Lumen completely recovers Jack hands her the band and she senses something off about it.

"Now I may not have my septimal powers for now but somehow... This band contains septimal power!" Lumen says in shock.

"You must be joking!"Jack replies in disbelief.

"I can sense it coming from this band... But it's a unique septimal power, one that adapts itself to it's wearer. If I were to wear this... Would I be able to restore my septimal power?" Lumen asks out loud.

"I dunno, give it a try." Jack replies as Lumen slips the band on her finger. She tries to focus something but nothing happens.

"I think it may be limited to you since you're the one that wears it all the time." Lumen says as she takes off the band and slips it back on Jack's finger. Just as Lumen theorized, Jack brings his hand close to her's and she reels back. "I can sense electricity coming off your hand... No your whole body... The Azure Striker septima! This is the same power that GV has!"

"But you said that this band has power that adapts to it's user right?" Jack asks as he plays around with a ball of lightning. "If YOU wore the band for long enough, maybe it would adapt to your power and bring it back? Say what IS your septimal power anyway? You never told me."

"It's called The Muse." Lumen explains. "My singing can affect adept powers and enhance them."

"I bet you your songs can do more than just that if the band is this adaptable. For all I know it could give you access to powers you never thought you could access before." Jack says.

"I never thought of that!" Lumen replies. "Man you can catch on to things quick!"

"Well in that case, I shall gift this band to you. It's now yours." Jack says as he slips the band off his finger and onto Lumen's.

"This actually looks pretty cool on me." Lumen chuckles to herself.

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