Chapter 2: New Accomodations

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"Whoa... Septimal power... Adepts... Sumeragi... Must be a crazy world you live in." Jack chuckles as Lumen finishes up her crash course on her world. "And you say you're a sort of avatar?"

"I'm a pop idol where I come from." Lumen replies.

"Interesting." Jack says.

"Now that I'm in your world though... I've become just as ordinary as you are..." Lumen mumbles to herself. Suddenly Lumen turns to stare into Jack's eyes and grab his arms, giving him her best puppy eyes. "Please! Can you let me stay with you? Until I can find a way back to my world?"

"This is so sudden..." Jack says, taken aback. "But I'll do what I can to help you. Until you can find a way to get back to your world you're free to stay with me as long as you need."

"Thank you so much! You're so kind and generous!" Lumen replies elatedly as she hugs Jack tight and he returns the hug.

"Well, shall we head back to my house then?" Jack asks as the two let go.

"Sure. Might as well get used to my new surroundings." Lumen replies as the two head back to Jack's house. "You are such a generous person and I'm glad there are at least some people out there with that kind of generosity."

"Hey, I'm willing to extend a hand to just about anybody if they need it." Jack replies. It's not long before the two reach Jack's house and Lumen takes in her new surroundings eagerly: Jack's house is situated in a small neighborhood, the neighbors rarely if ever come out and the sidewalks are pristine clean, as if they had just been scrubbed down. The houses are in pretty good condition including Jack's, and overall the neighborhood Jack is in seems to be a very amicable one. As soon as Jack and Lumen enter his house, she notices right away how spaceous it is inside: Lumen is instantly greeted by a fairly large living room with a sofa and accompanying table and a fancy computer just off to the side. To the west of the living room is a hallway that leads to separate bedrooms and a bathroom, and further north is the kitchen and a second living room. The second living room has an equally large sofa with a giant plasma TV and a nook that seems to be reservered for reading. The basement is just as spaceous and this appears to be an entertainment area, filled with various game systems, workout equipment and other toys. The basement extends even further into two rooms: one relegated for laundry with a separate bathroom and another that looks like a workshop of some sorts.

"This is a big house... Even bigger than the one back in my world..." Lumen says, absolutely blown away by how huge Jack's house is.

"This is average to us." Jack chuckles. "Make yourself comfortable, I'll whip up something to eat for lunch."

"Once again thank you so much!" Lumen replies. "I must find a way to repay you for all this!"

"Please you don't have to." Jack chuckles as Lumen looks into the hallway. The first door on the left she opens is full of clothes that have yet to be worn, almost like a walk-in closet of some kind.

"Huh, what would a man want with this much clothing?" Lumen asks herself as she opens the door on the right. This one is the bathroom, fairly ordinary for Jack, and two doors at the end of the hallway appear to be the bedrooms as Lumen looks inside the one on the left. This appears to be Jack's bedroom, with the walls painted a sky blue and a bookshelf chock full of books located in the corner. The other room appears to be an unused bedroom with the walls painted a snow white, a small nightstand located next to the bed and a big dresser located at the front. "Hey Jack."

"Yeah?" Jack says as he peeks around the hallway.

"What's all this extra clothing?" Lumen asks.

"Oh some of that is from my ex." Jack replies. "We used to live together and things just didn't work out. She got a whole new wardrobe and decided she let me keep them around for some reason."

"Are you two still in touch?" Lumen asks.

"Nope, not as of now." Jack replies before he resumes cooking something for him and Lumen.

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