Chapter 17: Triple Trouble

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"Lumen! I'm coming!" Jack shouts as he kicks the door to the third floor open. Much to his surprise though, the room is fairly empty save for a blindfolded Lumen, chained to a chair and unable to move her arms or legs.

"Jack?! Is that you?!" Lumen asks. "I can't see a thing!"

"Give me one second, I have to make sure there aren't any traps." Jack replies as he carefully scans the room for anything that could take him by surprise. Once he's sure there's nothing that will get him he carefully walks over to Lumen and removes the blindfold, revealing her sapphire blue eyes to him.

"Oh thank goodness you're here!" Lumen says. "Those frat boys had me here for god knows how long!"

"Well, if anything I'm expecting them to come out at any second." Jack mumbles.

"Welp, you got that right." Ramero says as he, Mitch and Julius emerge. "Congratulations, you got through those mazes and have found the hottie."

"For the last time she's not a hottie." Jack mumbles, facepalming.

"I am seventeen. What part of that don't you understand?" Lumen grumbles.

"Frankly I don't need to understand." Ramero snickers evilly. "Once I kill your friend here you will be all mine."

"Like you'll ever kill me." Jack snarls.

"It's not us you should really be worried about." Julius says as a robot emerges. "I requested that my father make this, saying one day it'll come in handy, and I've finally given it a purpose!"

"I honestly thought you were a mama's boy." Jack chuckles as he engages the robot.

"SILENCE!!! DESTROY HIM!" Julius yells as the robot fires a machine gun mounted on it's wrist. Jack quickly dodges the gunfire and manages to tag the robot in many places with his dart gun before chuckling to himself. "What's so funny? You only scratched the surface of the robot."

"You don't really understand physics don't you?" Jack laughs as he lets loose bolts of lighting from his hand that fry the robot from the inside out. In just a few seconds the robot is frozen in position before Jack simply nudges it, knocking it to the ground. "Hardly even worth my time."

"You've still got to go through us. Why don't you face off with us, without those lightning powers if you aren't chicken?" Mitch taunts.

"Like I'd ever fall for that." Jack taunts right back as he lets loose a bolt of lightning, but Mitch is relatively unaffected. "I shouldn't be surprised, you're all wearing rubber aren't you?"

"At least we had that in mind." Julius chuckles before he and the others charge at Jack! An all out fistfight ensues, with Jack unable to tag anybody, but the trio is unable to land many attacks on Jack.

"DRAGONSPHERE!!!" Jack shouts as he lets loose a giant ball of lightning. It does serve to knock the trio back but it barely even fazes them as Jack fires his darts. The trio simply bats them away before pulling out guns of their own.

"We should have done this earlier!" Mitch shouts as they open fire! Jack is quick to dodge the many oncoming bullets, but without any real means of hurting them besides his fists, Jack is resigned to endlessly dodging their gunfire. Eventually it becomes Jack's downfall as the three manage to surround him, leaving him with no way out.

"Well, what are you gonna do now? Take out any one of us and we'll blast you full of holes." Ramero taunts. "No use calling your police friends either, if they dare enter they know we'll shoot you both."

"No! Jack!" Lumen shouts, but the chains refuse to let her move.

"Shut up woman!" Mitch shouts, kicking Lumen and smashing the chair. "Don't move, or he gets it." And Lumen complies.

"Any last words?" Julius laughs. "We should have sent you and the girl off to the labs to get experimented on after all. To see your dissected body parts would prove interesting."

"Nah, I'd rather see how they would dissect the two. Would they start at the chest?" Mitch asks.

"You're way too obtuse you know that?" Julius mumbles.

"Huh?" Mitch asks.

"Ah shut up both of you." Ramero chuckles. "So, got anything to say?"

"Screw you assholes." Jack grumbles.

"Well, maybe we'll see that same exact sentence, on your gravestone that is!" Ramero laughs.

"JACK!!!" Lumen screams as Ramero pulls the trigger.

Human TendenciesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora