Chapter 9: Uh Oh

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Lightning that flickers

Like a star, and purges all

That violate it's realm!


Jack shouts as he conjures up three electric spheres. They encircle him for a few seconds before they spark out, and Lumen applauds.

"Nice job!" Lumen says.

"Thanks!" Jack replies. "But that actually left me a little tired."

"Using those skills will do that to your septima." Lumen says. "Besides, you haven't reached full potential yet. It'll probably be a few more days until that ring is fully adapted to you."

"Right." Jack says, looking at his ring. The blue color on the edges is only a shade darker than before and when he looks at Lumen's, there is no change in color as of yet. "It'll be a while before we can get full access to our powers."

"At least I can still sing without affecting anything for now." Lumen chuckles as she hums a random tune. It's at this point that Jack and Lumen sense that someone is watching. "You got that feeling too don't you?"

"Someone is watching us but who?" Jack mubmles as he and Lumen look around. Eventually they see someone off in the distance who has his emerald green eyes trained on Lumen. His short blond hair has been styled like that of a generic frat boy and he dresses like one too.

"Who is that?" Lumen asks. "Wasn't he one of the guys staring at me?"

"That's one of them alright... He's head of that frat group Alpha Beta Gamma- whatever the hell it's called. They're infamous for acting like total jerks on campus, sucking up to the teachers whenever their grades plummet, and worst of all, objectifying women like no other man has before." Jack grumbles.

"Hey! What's up?" The frat leader shouts in an obnoxious voice. "Nice chick! She's a real hottie!" Lumen instantly cringes and hides behind Jack.

"You dare say that again and you won't like what's about to happen next." Jack snarls.

"Or what?" He shouts.

"Or THIS!" Jack shouts as he aims his dart gun at the frat leader. Unfortunately it does nothing but make him laugh.

"What does THAT thing fire? Nerf darts?" The frat leader bellows.

"Should I?" Jack whispers to Lumen.

"Don't expose your septimal power, he may try to capitalize off of it." Lumen whispers back.

"Meh you're a waste of time anyway, later loser! Tell that hottie I said hi!" The frat leader calls out before he leaves. Lumen then emerges from hiding and gently clings to Jack's arm.

"I never liked him to start." Jack says. "His name's Ramero or something like that."

"You don't think he saw your septimal power did he?" Lumen then asks worriedly.

"If he did he would have said something, that's just what everyone knows him for- wanting to be where the action is." Jack replies. With that settled the two continue Jack's training. An hour passes and it's near noon, and Jack has just finished learning another powerful move.

Sacred sword agleam

Barbarous and bathed in blue

Cleaving right from wrong!


Jack shouts as he forces his hand out and a big blade of electricity shoots out. It only lasts a few seconds before it vanishes, but the results overall leave Lumen impressed.

"You're a fast learner." Lumen chuckles before her stomach starts rumbling not unlike the last time.

"Why don't we eat out this time?" Jack asks. "I don't think you've ever had fast food before have you?"

"Nope, not really." Lumen replies. With that in mind the two head to the nearby Burger King. As soon as they head in, Lumen gets a few gawkers but nothing out of the ordinary as they meet up with the cashier.

"Hi! What would you like?" The cashier asks.

"I'll take a Big Fish." Jack replies.

"Um... I'll take a cheeseburger." Lumen replies.

"Do you want fries with that?" The cashier asks. Jack turns to Lumen, who simply nods before he turns back to the cashier.

"Sure." Jack replies.

"Alright, anything else? Drinks?" The cashier asks.

"I'll take a sprite." Jack replies.

"Just water for me." Lumen replies.

"Okay, here's your total..." The cashier says and Jack makes the payment before they wait at one of the tables. A few minutes pass and their food hasn't quite arrived yet, and Lumen gets a smart look on her face.

"I thought this was fast food?" She asks aloud. Jack can't help but snicker at her comment, and some of the customers look at Lumen like they've just heard the most savage roast. Needless to say their food arrives quickly and Jack brings it back to their table.

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