Chapter 14: Time Bomb

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"I have to tell the authorities..." Lumen says to Jack as they head home.

"If you were to do that they may just kidnap you on the spot." Jack replies. "And I don't want to lose you."

"...Huh?" Lumen asks. "...What do you mean?"

"I know it's only been what a week or so? But I still feel that a close bond has been created between us. I don't want to lose you to those frat jerks." Jack replies. "I'll do anything to make sure you're safe, even if it costs me my life."

"Jack..." Lumen says. "That sounded so much like something GV would say... I'm touched."

"Maybe I'm his real world counterpart." Jack chuckles. With the mood lightened somewhat the two eat a quick lunch consisting of fried rice, and Jack realizes that he does in fact have a class somewhere in the afternoon. With that in mind the two head to the campus and much to their surprise the two run into the group of girls from yesterday.

"Hey! What's up?" One of the girls asks.

"Emily, Kate, there's a serious issue going on." Lumen says.

"What's going on?" Kate asks.

"It's best if we talk about this somewhere Ramero and his cronies won't see us." Jack replies as the group heads over to where Jack is parked to explain everything, including who Lumen really is...

"So you're telling me Lumen is from another world?" Emily asks.

"And her presence here seems to have unlocked something strange about me." Jack replies as he continues to explain. Once the girls understand everything they look out to make sure Ramero or his cronies weren't listening before shaking hands with Jack and Lumen.

"We'll do our best to make sure nothing happens to you two." Kate says.

"We owe you." Lumen and Jack say as they head to class. The class goes about like normal, with Ramero and his cronies nowhere in sight as they don't share the same class as Jack, and when the professor announces a break, everyone leaves for now, allowing Lumen to discuss something with Jack.

"You know how I said I was going to hold off on the Grand Strizer earlier?" Lumen says. "Well I think it's best you at least know what to say in case you have to use it."

"Alright, I'm all ears." Jack replies.

"So it works like how you use Luxcalibur, but it's much more potent. The incantation goes like this: "Let praise be unleashed, as blades of lightning cleave sky, yielding great glory."."

"Let praise be unleashed... As blades of lighting cleave sky... Yielding great glory... Got it." Jack replies. "And you said this works like Luxcalibur?"

"Yep." Lumen replies. "As you are right now you might not be able to fully utilize it which was why I held it off, but with my singing you can fully utilize it."

"I see." Jack says. "Thanks for telling me." Before he can say anything else the two have to switch topics as the rest of the class comes pouring in. The rest of the class period goes without anything crazy happening and before they know it the class is dismissed. Jack and Lumen leave the classroom and are about to head to their car when something, or rather someone, knocks them on the back of their heads, knocking them out cold as soon as they hit the floor.

"I half expected them to tell anyway, so the best time was now." A familiar voice says. "I only said it was a week to try and make them feel relieved and forget."

"Good hit Mitch." Ramero says. "Now to take the girl. I think her name's Lumen?"

"I think so." Julius replies. "She must have similar abilities like this peasant does, but I'm not sure what exactly she can do. For safe measures, we'll restrain her arms and legs."

"Good deal." Mitch says. "Nobody's around, let's go quickly before someone spots us."

"Right, but what about the peasant here? Surely he'll notice?" Julius asks. "If I know anything, he will realize that his girlfriend is gone and he'll be looking for revenge."

"That's why we wear a lot of rubber, to minimize damage done by his lightning attacks." Ramero says as they drag Lumen away, leaving Jack out cold and none the wiser what's going on.

"Where should we take her though?" Mitch asks.

"Somewhere where he won't be able to find her, that's where." Julius replies.

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