Chapter 15: All In Your Head

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When Jack finally came to his senses, he slowly gets up and then realizes with horror what has just happened.

"...Lumen?" Jack calls out. "Lumen?! Where are you?!" That's when one of the girls, Kate, emerges.

"What happened? And where's Lumen? Did she go back to her world yet?" Kate asks.

"No." Jack replies. "She's nowhere to be found... Those frat bastards must have kidnapped her! But... Where is she?! I must know! I promised Lumen that I wouldn't let her fall into their hands..."

"Don't fret, I'm pretty sure we'll find her." Kate says.

"Still... I promised... And I broke that promise..." Jack says dejectedly.

"Jack? Are you there?" A familiar voice asks.

"Huh?! Lumen?!" Jack asks.

"Wait what?" Kate asks.

"Jack? Good I got some reaction out of you." Lumen's voice says in Jack's head.

"Lumen... How did you do that?" Jack asks.

"Well, when your power can enhance others, you could imagine what else it can do, like communicate telepathically." Lumen replies.

"And you're not scared at all?" Jack asks.

"Well I am, it's just that I don't know what they want with me. I do know where they're taking me." Lumen replies.

"Where are you being taken?" Jack asks. "I should be able to find you from there."

"Ramero mentioned a warehouse." Lumen replies. "I gotta cut this short or they might realize what I'm doing. Find me soon."

"I'll do my best." Jack says as he feels Lumen cut communication. "She's being taken to some sort of warehouse."

"Wait you were talking with her telepathically?" Lumen asks.

"I couldn't do it for too long though or Ramero would have realized." Jack replies. "What's the nearest warehouse they could have taken her to?"

"The only warehouse in town is abandoned. That's probably the one you're going to find her at." Kate says. "You're going to need help though. That septima-whatchamacallit alone won't do much."

"How can you help though?" Jack asks. "I don't know what these guys are capable of."

"That's why you call upon the college officers." Kate replies. "If anything gets really out of hand then you can use your powers."

"Good deal. Let's move out." Jack says as they head to the college officers and explain what's going on. Once that's settled Jack and Kate drive alongside the officers to the warehouse. Just as everyone expects it's abandoned, but as soon as everyone stops their cars, a group of heavily armed thugs emerge, presumably under Rameo's orders.

"Stand down and we won't blow you full of holes." One of the thugs taunts.

"Wrong answer!" The officers shout as they open fire, gunning down most if not all of the thugs there.

"That'll take care of them for now- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" The other officers shout as a giant robot blasts through the roof of the warehouse! It's entire body is made up of various squares and rectangles and it's equipped with shoulder mounted missile launchers! "How are we doing to deal with that thing?!"

"Let me take care of it!" Jack shouts as he faces off with the giant robot. He pulls out his dart gun and fires off a flurry of darts but they fail to drive themselves into anything and the missiles go flying! Jack then lets loose wild bolts of lightning, destroying said missiles before preparing an incantation.

Bolts of rebellion

A thunderous voice in his heart

Speaks one of true law!

Voltaic Chains!!!

Jack shouts as he lets loose chains! They wrap themselves around the robot and Jack channels his electricity! The robot takes the equivalent of a direct lighting strike but it's barely fazed as when the chains vanish it still moves around like nothing ever happened to it!

"Okay that's not going to work is it?" Jack mumbles to himself before looking at the robot's head where he sees an antenna sticking out. "That's it! Can I borrow your gun for a bit?"

"Sure." One of the officers says as he lends his gun to Jack. He takes aim and then shoots the antenna, breaking it off, before handing the gun back to the officer and just as Jack expected the robot ceased to move.

"That'll deal with the robot." Jack says. "You guys can do whatever you want with it. For now I have someone to rescue."

"Good luck." Kate says as Jack storms the warehouse.

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