Chapter 4: Harenchi

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Aside from helping Lumen work the shower and finding some other clothes for her to wear besides what Jack has dubbed her "pop idol outfit", the rest of the day was fairly uneventful. The next morning Jack woke up at around six in the morning, trying his best not to wake up Lumen. Unfortunately fate had other plans as Jack slipped on something and landed on his back and Lumen instantly rushed out of her room.

"Are you okay?! I heard you fall!" Lumen asks worriedly.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Jack replies weakly as he gets back up.

"What are you doing at six in the morning though?" Lumen asks again.

"I have college classes to go to." Jack replies. "They start at around seven for me."

"That's early!" Lumen says in surprise.

"That's average for me." Jack chuckles. With no more reason to go back to sleep, Lumen joins Jack in getting ready for the morning.

"So you do this every day?" Lumen asks. "I don't think I could last a week in a routine like this."

"It's something you get used to." Jack replies. "I'm used to it. You on the other hand seem like you want to come with me to classes."

"I just want to experience what it's like, I've always heard stuff about it." Lumen says. "It'll be something to tell GV when I get back to my world."

"Ah, speaking of." Jack replies. "Any memories of that event come back yet?"

"Nothing really." Lumen says. "All I really remember is being by GV's side and he entered some sort of lab. Anything further makes my head hurt for some reason."

"Ah." Jack replies. "And about your name... Lumen... Is that your real name? Or do you go by a different name?"

"Lumen is my stage name. My real name is Joule but nobody really cares about that." Lumen chuckles. "Just call me Lumen so things don't get too confusing."

"Fair enough." Jack chuckles. "So you're coming along with me?"

"Yep." Lumen replies.

"You're going to attract a lot of attention just a fair warning. I'll make up an excuse and say you're shadowing me." Jack says.

"Shadowing?" Lumen asks, confused.

"It's hard to explain." Jack replies as the two finish up their morning routines and head to Jack's car. It's a navy blue Subaru BRZ complete with a fancy spoiler. They both get in and Lumen fiddles with the tails on her pop idol outfit as Jack drives. Half an hour passes and they reach Jack's college, and they both get out of the car. "Sorry for making you hold my backpack."

"Don't worry, it's not like there was any other place to put it." Lumen says as she hands Jack his backpack and the two make their way onto campus grounds. Just as Jack expected Lumen is getting a lot of gawkers, especially evident when the two head into the former's classroom.

"Who is she?" The professor asks.

"She's shadowing me. She's a foreign exchange student so you'll probably be seeing her here often." Jack replies.

"Already spoke with the dean and everything?" The professor asks, and Lumen simply nods in response. "Alright, nothing worth twisting myself into knots about then." As soon as the professor finishes Jack can faintly hear almost all of the guys in the classroom whisper "Yes!", making him facepalm.

"Is something the matter?" Lumen asks Jack.

"I think you've just won the heart of every male college student on campus... And you don't even have to sing..." Jack mumbles in response.

"I'm sorry?" Lumen says, confused by what Jack is saying, but quickly stops herself as the professor begins his class. Throughout the entire class Jack notices the guys staring lewdly at Lumen and the professor takes notice as well, giving the male students the evil eye. Unfortunately that doesn't work as the guys keep on staring, and Lumen begins fidgeting around in her seat, a look of distress on her face.

"You two may leave if you wish." The professor says benevolently, and Lumen hastily rushes out. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." Jack replies before suddenly turning to the rest of the class. "I'm ashamed that I'm even in the same class with you guys, SHE'S SEVENTEEN YOU GODDAMNED PERVERTS!!!!!!" He suddenly screams at the top of his lungs before storming out, slamming the door behind him with enough force that it could be heard throughout the entire building.

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