CHAPTER FIVE: Five questions

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After breakfast, Eli turned toward Lyn, facing her while sitting cross-legged on the couch. 

"How about we play a game, get to know each other a little better?  We each get to ask five questions. You can ask anything you want. You're allowed to pass on only one question, which means you have to answer four. Are you game?"

Lyn hesitated. The private, self-conscious introvert inside her was screaming.

Are you crazy? Say no, you idiot! We don't do Q&A sessions!

"Sure," she answered. Wait, what?

Eli grinned. "Okay, how about we take turns? We each ask one question at a time. You can go first."

Lyn nodded, tapping her finger on her chin. "Hmm ... what is the craziest thing you have ever done?"

"Swimming with great white sharks off the coast of Australia."

Lyn's eyes bulged. "What? Seriously?"

Eli laughed. "Yeah. It was awesome! My brother, Liam, and I went. I mean, we had guides with us and cages and were completely safe, but it was still an unbelievable rush."

Lyn shook her head. "Nope. No freaking way."

Eli grinned, then turned thoughtful. "Okay, my turn. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?"

"Oh that's easy. The ability to absorb knowledge and learn anything instantly. Like in the movie, The Matrix. Just push a button and – bam! – you can speak a new language, play an instrument, fly a plane, give a speech on the economic, cultural, and sociological impacts of urban renewal and gentrification." She laughed. "I don't even know what that means ... but if I had that superpower, I would! I love learning. I just don't have the time or patience to learn everything I want to know."

Eli raised an eyebrow. "Wow, that's a unique and surprising answer ... but somehow very Lyn. Your turn."

"Best childhood memory."

"Family camping trips. We had a big station wagon and we would just pile our camping gear in it and drive the back roads, not knowing where we were going." He smiled at the memory. "I'll ask you the same question. Best childhood memory."

Lyn took a shaky breath, fighting off the tears that threatened to fall. "Christmas Eve. Every year. My grandpa's favorite song was Silent Night, and we would all hold candles and sing it together every Christmas Eve. Just the small, dim candles in the darkness as we huddled together singing that beautiful song." Her voice trembled. "It's still such a powerful memory; so happy and yet so achingly sad at the same time."

"That's a beautiful memory, Lyn, and so special that you have it to remember your grandpa."

Lyn smiled as she nodded and swallowed around the lump in her throat. "Um, next question. A person who has influenced or inspired you."

"My brother, Liam. He's younger than me, but he's always been my rock, my voice of reason. When I get too caught up in being 'Eli Colton', he brings me back. He grounds me. He doesn't let me forget who I am and where I come from, and for that I am eternally grateful." His expression turned grim. "Frankly, I sincerely doubt I would be here today if it weren't for Liam. He's the one who got me into rehab three years ago. I was on my way to being another celebrity addiction fatality."

"Then I, too, am very grateful for Liam," she answered softly.

Eli cleared his throat. "Okay, let's see. Similar to my earlier question – what one ability or skill would you like to have? Not a superpower ... something actually attainable."

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