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Lyn awakened to the tantalizing smell of breakfast invading her senses, causing her to inhale deeply. Tempting as the delicious bouquet was, she remained in bed, reveling in the memories of the previous night, playing through it in her mind. Her fingers gently touched her lips. Eli kissed me. The corners of her mouth pulled up into an elated smile. After several minutes, her stomach grew impatient with her daydreaming and protested loudly.

She sighed and rolled out of bed, then pulled on her robe and tied the belt snugly around her waist. Her mouth watered as she opened her bedroom door and a fresh flood of delicious aromas enveloped her. The soft shuffle of her slippers echoed off the thick log walls and high cathedral ceiling as she entered the large, open room. Eli was standing at the bar that divided the kitchen and living room.

"Good morning," he said, looking up at her with a wide smile. "Your timing is perfect."

"What can I do to help?" Lyn asked.

"Not a thing," Eli answered, gesturing to the table. "Please, sit and join me. Breakfast is served."

Lyn dropped into one of the chairs, smiling at him in appreciation. Eli brought two plates to the table, stopping to bend down and kiss her cheek tenderly as he set her plate in front of her.

Lyn's cheeks flushed a rosy pink, her head dipping slightly. "Thank you." As she looked down, her eyes and nose were greeted by a perfect, fluffy omelet. She closed her eyes and breathed in. "Oh my, that smells heavenly."

Eli sat down across from her, his eyes alight as he smiled. Lyn looked up at him. "What?" she asked with a sideways smirk. "You're smiling at me like a Cheshire cat."

Eli's mouth spread into a wide grin as he shook his head. "Nothing. You just make me smile."

"Oh." Lyn flushed and dropped her eyes, returning her focus to her omelet. A shy, delighted smile crept across her face as she kept her head down.

Eli felt a flip in the pit of his stomach. She could do that with just a smile and the flush of her cheeks. What is it about her? He couldn't remember ever feeling this captivated. The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted. Being with her was the highlight of every day. He couldn't stop smiling, his eyes sneaking a glimpse of her every few minutes as they enjoyed their breakfast in comfortable silence.

When they finished eating, Eli reached across the table and picked up her plate, stacking it on top of his. He turned his head toward the window to take in the frosted landscape.

"It really is beautiful and so peaceful here." He turned to look at Lyn. "I'd love to explore these woods and enjoy it up close. Would you take a walk with me this afternoon?"

"I'd love to," Lyn answered with an enthusiastic nod.

"Great!" Eli smiled as he stood and brought their dishes to the kitchen. Lyn followed, joining him in the kitchen to help clean up. When the dishes were done, she stepped back from the sink, her eyes glancing around the room as her hands ran nervously over her robe.

"Um... I think I'm going to take a shower." She glanced at Eli. "Unless you want to go first. I'm afraid there's only one bathroom."

Eli smiled. "You go ahead."

Lyn nodded and turned to go, but was immediately halted as Eli caught her wrist in his hand and pulled her back to him. He slid his arm around her waist, holding her firmly as he tenderly kissed her lips.

"Don't be gone too long," he whispered, his voice low and husky.

Lyn nodded and swallowed, unable to speak. Eli's eyes twinkled as he let go of her waist and fought back the chuckle that was building in his throat.

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