Chapter 44

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23 days. 23 freaking days before I can fly back to London and finally see Sky again. I wish she would have come with me, but it was unfair to ask that from her. I know she takes her education very seriously, and that includes the extra credit summer courses she's doing. I'm proud of her for all the time and effort she puts into her education. I've always been glad my acting career picked up before I had to decide whether I wanted to go to university or not because I don't know if I could have done it. Sky is so smart, I love her clever mind and the discussions we sometimes have.

At first, I thought it would be okay, that I would be okay. And I kind of was in the first week. I had plenty of work things to keep my mind occupied with and there were a few people I knew in the city that I wanted to catch up with. Of course, I missed Sky, but I could get through my days without feeling miserable. That changed when mum showed up with a surprise guest at my hotel room door.

I knew when my mother asked me for this job on such short notice, right after the fight about me dating Sky, that it was too good to be true. Mum is the kind of person that holds grudges and I should have known that I would be no exception, even though I'm her son.

Hate may be a strong word, but when she was standing in front of my door with this Sydney girl, that was all I could feel. I told her that I love Skylar and that Sydney is the last person I want to hang out with. Still, she shows up with her, insisting we get some bonding time. What do we need bonding time for if all we do is work together?

Only after spending time with Sydney, not voluntary may I add, it started to make sense to me. She was asked for the job months ago and I was only asked less than a month ago. This was a thousand per cent my mother's doing. She doesn't accept me dating Sky, she just acted like it to keep me close and now suddenly she comes with this surprise set-up. My point was only proven more so when Sydney and I were suddenly left alone during fittings or rehearsals. Why can't she understand that I'm in love with Skylar and I choose to be with her? I don't want anything to do with Sydney, we have nothing in common except for our work. I can't talk with her like I do with Sky. I can't laugh with her, I can't talk about books with her.

These past three days have been hell to get through. As soon as mum showed up with Sydney, I started missing Sky more and more. I miss our little conversations, that soft smile she always has on her face whenever we're laying in bed together. The feeling of her warm body on mine as she falls asleep with her head resting on my chest. How excited her voice gets when she's ranting about a new book she's read. God, I love her and I can't wait to hold her in my arms again.

I'm on my way to the final meeting before tonight's event. It's supposed to be a rundown of the schedule and the interviews and all we have to do after the show. I still don't understand why they can't email us stuff like this. When I walk into the office, I only see Alice, my manager and Sydney with her manager Kate. This feels oddly familiar and I don't like it at all. This is giving me flashbacks to being in a restaurant where mum set me up the first time.

"Great, we're complete. This document contains all the information you need for tonight, read it through and let me know if you have any questions. The reason we brought both of you in is because we want to try something after tonight's event. Do you know how people have been going all crazy about those celebrity couples? We want to gain some extra publicity with a similar thing. You two have been keeping the socials busy these past days so it will be a media hit. It will be great for both of you and for your mother's brand, Luca. Imagine the headlines: Gorgeous model couple spotted after NY event."

For a minute I'm dazed and incredibly confused. Where are they hiding the mic and camera? This must be some sick joke, right? It feels like I'm sitting across my mother again, her telling me how I should be with someone like Sydney. I'm sick of hearing this shit. I love Skylar, I'm dating her and no one else.

"Yeah great idea, just a small problem. I'm in a relationship with someone else. Better luck with your next victim. I'm out."

"Just hear us out, Luca. No one needs to know about that girl. We can just do this for a while and get the extra publicity. Skylar is open to the idea, why can't you work with us here Luca?"

"You're actually on board with this bullshit?" I throw the question Sydney's way but she only bats those overly think lashes at me. "Well, have fun. I'm not doing it. I'm not faking a relationship, especially because I have a girlfriend."

"Luca you're hurting your own career with this. When we introduced the idea of you and Sydney to your mother over a month ago she seemed to be on board with it."

"But I am the one you asked just now, not my mother. You can have her parading around with whoever you want but the only one I want to be seen with is my girl."

On my way back to the hotel I keep thinking about all this crazy stuff people try to get me to do. First my mum, now my management as well. Can't people just mind their own fucking business? I'm sick of people meddling in my private life and trying to make decisions for me.

It's at this moment I miss Sky the most. She always knows what to say to me to calm me down. And I need some serious calming down right now. I want to punch every stupid person in their stupid faces. Sky is the one who keeps me sane in this crazy world. However, she isn't here to calm me down and it's already getting late in London so I don't want to call her either to bother her with my problems.

As soon as I get to my hotel, I get changed and head to the gym in the basement. I make my way over to the corner and waste no time before letting my fist collide with the bag hanging from the ceiling.

I've always been protective of Adrina, but no one ever tried to replace my sister. Ever since people found out about Sky, they have been trying to replace her with some superficial, plastic version. It not only makes me extra protective of her and our relationship, but it also makes me aggressive. Alice can be happy I left the building before my anger started to get control of me. I can't promise there will be a punching bag near me the next time someone pulls a stunt like that.

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