Chapter 16

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Luca: Wanna come along to a party later?

Skylar: I'm not feeling well today. Sorry

Luca: Don't be sorry. What's wrong?

Skylar: Just a headache and stuff...

I start playing the next episode of Friends. I've watched all the seasons over 6 times by now, but I never get tired of it. I keep moving the heat pack from my back to my belly. I haven't had such bad cramps in months. I secretly hoped I grew past this stage, but apparently I'm back to square one. My head has been pounding all day; no nap or painkiller easing the discomfort. I'm having some serious ice cream cravings, but nothing is going to get me out of bed, not even my food cravings. Chocolate will have to do for now.

My mind drifts off while watching Monica and Chandler's secret romance. It gets me thinking about what Luca and I have. Although I don't know if I can call it a romance. I am definitely getting feelings for him, but I have no idea whether he thinks this thing between us is something serious. Maybe he doesn't want anything more. But he is the one that started holding hands the first time. He is the one who asked me to go on dates. I'm about to go mental when my phone rings. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Hey pretty, what are you up to?"

"Nothing much, I'm rewatching Friends."

"What about me watching it with you?"

"Don't you have a party to go to tonight?"

"Nah, there is someplace more important for me to be tonight."

"Ah okay."

"Hey, can you open the door for me? People are starting to look at me like I'm crazy."

"You're here?"

"Told you I had somewhere more important to be."

I stumble out of my room to find Luca standing in the hallway with his arms filled with bags. I didn't even think about looking in the mirror on my way out of my room. I am wearing an old sweater and a pair of leggings, not too bad. My hair is a different story, however. I tied it into a bun this morning, but after all those hours in bed, it looks more like a birds nest.

"What are you doing here Luca? You're supposed to be at a party with your friends."

"You sounded like you needed some comforting. I have a sister, so oddly enough, I recognise the signs of a girl on her period. I came prepared..." He explains, pointing at the bags he carried inside. I never mentioned my period when we were texting, but apparently, I show universal signs.

"Won't your friends question your absence?"

"Nah, don't worry about them. I told them I had some business to take care of. They just assumed it was about a photoshoot or something. Although I did mention it being a bloody mess."

"Way to be funny about a girl's period."

"I promise I'll make up for it, baby. I have brownie and caramel ice cream. I brought 4 different kinds of chocolate and this coconut water my sister swears by." I take the coconut water while Luca goes to the kitchen to grab two spoons. We settle on my bed, Friends playing on my tv and the tubs of ice cream in between us on the mattress.

It's clear that this isn't the first time Luca watched friends. We discuss all the scenes, talk along with the lines and talk about the characters. I get up to throw the empty ice cream tubs away. When I walk back to my bed, Luca is laughing at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"As a matter of fact, you do. Come here." I get back on my bed, facing Luca. He moves his hand to my face and wipes the corner of my mouth with his thumb. He leaves his hand on my cheek, while I look into those gorgeous brown eyes of his. My heart is racing as it has never done before. I seriously hope he can't hear it, otherwise, he might think I'm having a cardiac arrest. Luca slowly leans closer. I can feel his breath on my lips. His cologne hitting my nose. I love the way he smells. Luca stops moving once our foreheads and noses touch. I can feel his uneven breathing on my face, his eyes never leaving mine. Why doesn't he kiss me already? God, I want to kiss him so bad. For once in my life, I decide to make a bold move and I close the distance between us. I feel his soft lips touching mine. Luca doesn't seem to mind my bold move. Our lips slowly move together. He carefully opens his lips, letting his tongue brushing against my lips. I open my mouth, letting his tongue discover my mouth. He moves his free hand to the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. My arms are around his neck, pulling him closer to me. I don't know how long we go on like that, but I wouldn't mind it lasting longer if I didn't get a bad cramp. I quickly pull away and press a hand to my belly. It doesn't help too much, but at this point, every bit is a relief. Luca looks a bit hesitant. His mind must be going through all the reasons why I would pull away like this.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"Just a cramp..."

"That bad?" I nod, glad the cramp didn't last long. "Anything I can do to help?"

"No, I don't think so. My back and belly just hurt and the painkillers aren't helping much."

"I cannot do much about your belly, but I can try to soothe the back pain. Lay down and I'll rub your back." I look at him with big eyes, questioning his proposition but give in anyway. A back rub never hurt anyone. I lay down on the bed with my face in the pillows. Luca straddles my butt and his hands move over my back. I've never had anyone massage my back when I was on my period, but now I don't think I can go without anymore. I can feel my tense muscles slowly relaxing under Luca's hands. I let myself get all carried away until a soft moan escapes my lips.

"Sorry, sorry. That was not supposed to happen..."

"Don't worry, baby. I like hearing these sounds coming out of your mouth. It reminds me of all the things we could do together." I can hear the chuckle in his voice, which makes my face even redder. Luckily, my face is already buried in the pillow, away from his view. God, how I want to know what exactly he has in mind. 

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