Chapter 32

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I've had exams all week and I'm seriously exhausted. I'm ready for the summer break but I still have a lot of projects due and extra credit work to do. Luca and I are meeting sometime this weekend, so after my exam this morning I went straight to my desk to work on a project. The first projects are due next week and if I want to spend time with Luca without worrying about my to-do list, I better get as much done as possible.

After I spend a few hours on the assignment, I decide it's time for a break. Luca has a meeting with his management, so I can't call him. I consider calling Hailey, but I know she has school right now. Noah also has an exam week soon, so he is probably too busy to entertain me. Madison and Tess are on their way to the south of England to go to a festival with a group of friends. It doesn't leave many people for me to talk to.

Abby's instinct doesn't disappoint when my phone starts ringing just seconds later.

"I'm so dead... Who invented exam weeks? I hate him."

"Hello to you too Abby. I know what you mean though. I just want to sleep for three weeks straight."

"That really does sound tempting. But I have to start my extra-curriculum in two weeks. Are you done with your courses?"

"No, I still have projects and extra credit work."

"I'm sorry honey. But I had this amazing idea..."

"Should I get worried?"

"No, but you should clean your room because I'm coming to visit you this weekend!"

"Are you kidding?! I would love to see you again!" I haven't seen Abby since Christmas. Both of us have been too busy with school to have time to visit each other.

"Nope, not kidding. I just have to find a ride to the airport."

"Noah can bring you! He has a car, so you won't have to pay for a cab. I will call him in a minute."

"Thanks, babe, I will let you know when I get to London."

Abby ends the call and I call Noah to arrange for him to bring Abby to the airport tomorrow morning. He isn't too happy with my plan but gives in anyway. He knows he doesn't stand a chance against me because I know his weak spots. He promises to call Abby to settle everything and I go back to being bored, which is odd considering my to-do list is long enough to keep me busy for a few days.

I'm reading my last book in my to-be-read pile so I have to take it easy with reading until I have time to go book shopping again. I end up scrolling through Instagram instead. I already checked it three times in the last hour so there aren't too many new posts on my feed. I scroll through my discover page hoping to find some interesting things. After a few quotes and bookstagram pictures, I see a few pictures of Luca. Because I like all his posts and pictures from fan accounts, I always have some pictures of him on my discover page. However, these pictures are completely different. Normally they are from a movie or a shoot. These pictures are of Luca walking somewhere in London, but he isn't alone. A girl and a woman are walking with him. After reading the captions I can conclude that it's his mother and some model he's with. I've never met his mother but some girl I've never heard about does get to meet her. I thought he was meeting his management and not some model. I try not to let the pictures affect me, but the more pictures I see, the more insecure I get. This girl is perfect. She has shiny black hair, perfectly styled. Her skin is tanned as if she just came back from a month-long holiday. Her makeup looks perfect. Her figure is a perfect size 4 hour-shape with a tight dress accentuating her shape.

I know I should stop looking at the pictures because they make me extremely insecure. My fingers don't agree with my mind and I end up on her profile. Of course, her pictures are fabulous, typical Insta influencer. Even her name is worthy of her image, Sydney.

I should just call Luca and let him explain. They look very comfortable in the pictures but I don't know the story behind them. Everything could have a very logical explanation. For all I know they have known each other for years. They do work in the same industry after all.

Abby will arrive somewhere tomorrow late in the morning, which gives me plenty of time to keep myself busy with coming up with the most unrealistic scenarios about what happened between Luca and Sydney.

Abby gets to my flat just before noon the next morning. Noah brought her to the airport and from what I understand he was actually agreeable. I'm happy to finally see her again, we really go too long without visiting. When she asks me how I'm doing she immediately sees something is wrong.

"I haven't been completely honest the past few weeks. I have kind of been dating someone."

"Wait what!? Tell me everything!"

So I tell her about meeting Luca, going out with him, us starting to date. I tell her everything up to a few days ago.

"I wanted to tell you much sooner but I didn't want to tell you on the phone."

"I'm so happy for you! I'm a bit mad you didn't break your rule of silence by telling me anyway but I'll get over it. But all of that doesn't explain that you were looking so sad just now."

"These pictures appeared online yesterday." Show her the Instagram pictures that I saw last night and tell her everything I know so far.

"Have you asked him about it?"

"No, we were supposed to see each other this weekend but now I don't want to be the first to reach out, so I'm waiting for him to call and explain everything."

"So in the meantime, you're driving yourself insane?"

"You see right through me."

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