Chapter 2

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It's 11 a.m. and my shift is almost over. I just got a message that my class for the late afternoon is cancelled, so I'll have some time to go shopping after my lecture. I just need to clean the tables before I can go to campus. The faster I clean, the sooner I'll be there, which means I will have some time left to catch up with my friends. Luckily, we mostly have the same classes so I see them in class most days.

I put the last few mugs on the tray and I turn around to bring them back to the kitchen when I bump into someone. I immediately apologise and ask if he is okay. The guy shakes the rain from his jacket and cap and lets me know that all is good. Apparently, it started raining pretty hard while I was working. I offer the guy a free coffee, and clean the coffee I spilt. After I get him his free coffee, I can finally leave as well. It's strange because I really thought I recognised the voice of the guy I bumped into, he must be in one of my classes or something. It isn't like I met many people here in the past few months aside from my classes. Unfortunately, he is wearing a cap, so I can't see his face properly.

Walking to class, I keep thinking about the mysterious guy. I try to remember where I know him from, but I don't seem to get anywhere. By the time I see my friends I give up on the mystery guy, if I do know him, I'll find out sooner or later. We walk to the room and take our seats in the middle row. We never sit in the very front, because those people will be asked to answer the questions. And whenever I sit in the back, I'll always end up scrolling through Instagram instead.

I met Madison and Tess during our first course almost half a year ago. We ended up working on an assignment together and we never parted after that. Madison in the fiery one of the three of us. As intense as she can be, she is the most loyal and caring friend you can wish for. Tess is much more soft-spoken, but don't be fooled by the soft exterior, she can be wild and adventurous whenever she feels like it. I'm so glad I met them both, I can't imagine going through university without them by my side.

For the full length of the lecture, I am unable to focus. Whenever I try to pay attention, my mind wanders off again. During the break my friends ask me what's up, even they notice I'm not being my normal self. I explain to them what happened and describe the guy, but they can't match anyone to the description either, not that they have much to go by.

I'm glad the lecture is over, now I can daydream as much as I want without feeling guilty about it. I say bye to my friends and head off towards the city centre. My friends know me well enough to know not to go book shopping with me. It can take quite some time since I want to see every book they have. And then some more time to adore everything and choose what books I should actually buy. I already have some titles in mind, but I want to look around anyway.

As soon as I walk into Foyles I feel at home. Whenever I'm surrounded by books, I feel at ease. These books tell the most beautiful stories; they have intriguing characters and challenging plot lines. I can talk about my love for books for hours on end, but no one is ever interested in listening to me rant about my books. I start at the YA section and immediately find five books I want to get. Next, I move to the self-help books. That's another thing of mine. I'm always looking for ways to improve myself and got really into personal development since I started university. I'm looking at some books when someone bumps into me. Wow. I'm really not having my day today. I look up when the man apologises. But it isn't just a man. I recognise the cap he's wearing. It's the same one I've been thinking about all day. I still can't see his face properly, but this time I can at least see a little more of it. He must be around my age, so it makes sense that I recognise him from something. But I still can't say where I know him from.

"Again, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying much attention." He looks at me, this time around I can see his face, and I immediately know where I've seen him before. "Hey, I know you! You're the girl that ran into me this morning and gave me a free coffee." Oh, God. Does he recognise me? "You don't have to look so shocked. I'm just a normal human getting coffee and shopping for books. You look better without the apron on, by the way." I'm speechless. I stare at his ocean-blue eyes and his smiling mouth.

"Ehm... thanks." It takes a lot of effort to speak. I keep staring at him. How can someone be so damn gorgeous? He asks me about the books I'm holding, and I finally start to speak normally again. We keep on talking about our favourite books for what feels like hours. He tells me about the books he's read recently, the ones he still wants to read. We recommend books to each other, talk about our favourite books and series. It feels so natural talking to him, but at the same time, it's the strangest thing that has ever happened to me. I can't believe I got so lucky. Running into him twice a day, even though I didn't recognise him the first time, and getting a chance to talk to him, to have a real conversation with him. I know thousands, no hundredth thousands of girls would be happy to take my place. It all feels so surreal that I'm afraid I'm dreaming.

A few hours must have passed since I left university because my stomach is going crazy. He says he should go and I tell him I have to go home as well, not that I want to, but I don't have much choice if I don't want to faint in front of him. We walk to the register together and I'm surprised that no one notices his presence. I have to say there are mostly older people in the shop, but still. I would expect he can't show his face anywhere without fans following him. That explains why he might be wearing the hat.

"Let me get that for you." He takes the book on top of the pile and hands it to the salesperson. "You got me a coffee when you ran into me, now I will return the favour by getting you a book." I'm shocked, happy, surprised. My body is a tangled mess of emotions but I somehow manage to thank him. I pay for my other books and put them in the tote bag I brought. He hands me the one he paid and tells me the receipt is in the book.

"As if I will ever return a book." He smirks at my comment and while walking away he says, "Maybe I'll see you around." I'm left in the shop, astonished by what just happened. Unable to gather my thoughts.

Ina blur, I start walking to the subway to get back home. I don't know how Imanage, but 20 minutes later I'm in my room. Still unable to think straight.Did this really just happen to me?

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