Chapter 35

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"Finally, You're back. Did you find anything good?" Abby went shopping one last time before she has to go back to Oxford to finish her academic year. She wanted to get some new books for the summer, but I wasn't in the mood to go shopping again, especially to Foyles. Foyles is the place where Luca and I first talked, where he got me the book to apologise for running into me. I won't avoid the place forever; I love it too much for that. It's just that today, only a few days after my fight with Luca, it's too much to deal with.

Abby is still standing in the doorway, holding a Foyles bag. She looks anxious and hesitant to come into the room. I don't know what to think, but I feel like I should be worried. I've never seen Abby act this way.

"Yeah, I found some great books. Don't be mad at me, please. I ran into someone in the bookstore." I still don't see the problem. Why would I be angry because she ran into someone?

"I didn't come here alone, please don't be mad."

Abby opens the door further and it reveals the person she brought with her. I didn't expect to see him right now, which is pretty obvious judging from the surprised look on my face. I knew I missed him, but I only realise how much now I see him standing in front of me.

"Hey, can we talk?" Luca looks hesitant, he doesn't come into the room and he looks to Abby for reassurance. His eyes look like he didn't sleep in days, much like mine right now. His lips are not in a smirk or even a smile; they are pressed together in a straight, thin line.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea." Abby mouths 'good luck' to me before she disappears into the hallway. I hate how uncomfortable Luca and I are together in one room. Ever since the day we met we've never been awkward around each other.

"So, our first fight, huh."

"Yeah, I hope it isn't the last."

"What, why? What do you mean?" Luca is confusing sometimes. Why would he want more fights?

"Well, if there will be more fights that means we are not over yet."

"I never wanted this to be over, Luca."

"How can you possibly want to be with me after I acted like a complete jerk to you."

"I don't know Luca; all I know is that I missed you like crazy. Even after you hurt me like that."

"I'm so sorry baby. You have no idea how terrible I feel for how I acted to you. I don't know what got to me, but I'm so, so sorry."

"Just tell me why. I just don't understand how you could act so inconsiderate after I told you everything about my past."

"That's what I hate the most, I know I hurt you and I did nothing about it. It's just that at that moment I felt like you were judging my choices and I've grown to react really badly to people trying to make choices for me."

"But I never judged you! I just got so insecure seeing those pictures. I mean, Sydney looks perfect, she's a model for heaven's sake. I'm nothing compared to her."

"She has nothing on you. You are everything I could ever ask for, baby."

"But she's beautiful and has the perfect body and all and then you have me, I'm nothing special."

"Stop right now, Skylar. You are the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. You are special; ever since the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew you were special. You always make me laugh, we can talk about everything, no matter how serious. We can joke around and pull pranks on each other. You make me feel like I have the fucking world. And I never want you to be insecure about your body because I love every bit of it. The way your eyes wrinkle when you genuinely smile, how your hair gets all curly when it gets wet, the way your curves fit perfectly in my hands."

"Still, I'm no size 4 with D-cup boobs. I'm more like the opposite, a size 12 with a B-cup."

"I don't care what your sizes are. I love every part of you, every curve. Baby, please never feel insecure about what I feel for you because no one has ever made me feel like you do. I will never hurt you like this again. I promise."

"Just talk to me when something bothers you, I never want to not talk to you for that long again. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, baby. Can I get a hug now?"

I wrap my arms around his neck, letting the warmth of his body engulf me. Maybe it's too easy to just let it slide but I don't want to go without Luca. I don't want to miss him any longer. I will just have to trust that the way Luca acted Friday morning was a one-time event and that we can grow together to figure out our insecurities.

"If it's okay with you I'll tell you what caused my reaction. My parents never pushed me into acting or modelling, it was my own choice to pursue it. My mum has always been a model and was thrilled when I first started out, she wanted me for her own brand and she got me a manager and everything to control my career. Because I was so young, I was fine with it, I didn't know anything about it. My mum started almost micro-managing my life. She decided which jobs I would do, everything. It really started bothering me when I got older. My mum was never around, she's a great mum, don't get me wrong, but when I was growing up she wasn't there much and now she's meddling in everything. We never really bonded and now she's more manager than mum. She did the same thing with the meeting on Friday. She told me it was just the people from the magazine and suddenly this Sydney girl is in front of me."

"How does your dad feel about all of this?"

"He knows it was my choice to get into the industry and tries to help me whenever I need it. He was around much more than mum. Whenever he was gone, it would be a few weeks, but it wasn't often. Mum would be gone a few days every two weeks or something."

"How was it growing up with your parents being gone that much?"

"I got used to it, I guess. Adrina and I always stuck together, we didn't know any better. My aunt was around a lot, she practically raised us."

"So, now I know about your past, how about your future? I assume you don't want your mum controlling your life forever."

"God, no. Modelling is okay, but acting is my thing. Getting in the head of a character, all the emotions, the behaviour. I just want to make a name for myself, no longer just be the son of Ella Simpson."

"I know you'll make it. You're super talented, Luca."

"I'm glad we talked, baby. Please just ask me anything you want to know, I promise I'll answer any questions you have. I'm glad we made up."

"Me too. Should I tell Abby she can come back?"

"Yes please, I need to thank her for bringing me back to you."

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