Chapter 27

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"Yes, and now try holding your hand like this." Luca and I have been playing the piano all morning. We've been working on Luca's skills for a few weeks already and he has been making some great progress.

"So, when can I start playing along to songs?"

"That will take a little while longer I'm afraid."

"Just gives me more reasons to spend time with you." Luca would be much better at the piano already if he didn't keep distracting us all the time. Half the time we're not even focussing on the piano, but on each other. And honestly, if I have a choice I would much rather focus on Luca's lips. Somehow, they are way more satisfying than the piano keys.

It's been two months since Luca and I met already and almost a month that we've officially been dating. We've spent a lot of evenings and weekends together, talking, snuggling, kissing. A lot of kissing, actually. Luca stayed over a few nights because it was too late for him to take the tube back or I fell asleep on him, literally. I still remember his face when he first saw me in just a sports bra and a pair of sweat shorts, it took him a solid fifteen minutes to get his act together again. Every time my appearance makes him flushed, my confidence spikes to new levels. I've never been very confident about my looks, but the way Luca adores my body really started to change something in me. I've leant to accept myself a long time ago but only recently did I really start to practice self-love. I'm still focussing on loving myself but having someone else adore me the way Luca does really makes things easier for me.

Spending the night in one bed, cuddling together and kissing while his hands roam my body feels pretty intimate to me, especially considering my lack of experience. Even though Luca makes me feel more confident, I still don't feel completely comfortable going further than what we have done so far. Luca has never pushed me to do anything I'm not ready for. He constantly asks me if what we're doing is okay and if I'm still comfortable. I know that I can't keep him waiting forever and I don't want to wait forever either.

"Can you play a song for me?" I haven't played much for Luca yet, usually, I only play the parts we're practising. I choose one of the songs from the binder with sheet music. It's a song my mum would always sing to me and my siblings when we were younger. I haven't played it in forever, but I remember the words by heart. Not that I'm going to sing them. As much as I like to play the piano, I suck at singing. I start playing the chords, remembering the song as I go.

"I remember this song. Nonna would always sing it when I was little. do you know the words?"

"Yes, I do, mum would sing it to us as well. But I'm not going to sing it. That would be a total turnoff for you."

"Nothing about you will be a turnoff, I promise. Come on, we'll sing it together." And so Luca and I ended up singing the song together, it must have sounded awful, but nevertheless, we had fun doing so.

I've spent my life

Lookin' for you

Findin' my way

Wasn't easy to do

But I knew there was you

All the while

And it's been worth

Every mile

So, lay down beside me

Love me and hide me

And kiss all the hurtin'

Of this world away

Hold me so close

That I feel your heart beat

And don't ever wander away

- Alison Krauss - Lay down beside me

By the time we're done with playing the piano, Adrina joins us in the living room. I've seen her a few times these past weeks. She's very easy to talk to, maybe because she reminds me a lot of Hailey. I didn't notice someone coming into the house until a man is standing in the living room. I immediately know that it must be their dad, the resemblance between both Adrina and Luca and he are striking. Adrina jumps up from the couch and hugs him. Luca gets up as well to greet his dad. I don't really know what to do, so I just stay seated and hope Luca introduces us soon.

He doesn't even get a chance to, because Adrina is way too excited to tell their dad about Luca's new girlfriend, AKA me. The man looks surprised to hear the word girlfriend but greets me with a huge smile.

"So, it has finally happened to you, son?" Apparently, it's a universal thing that dads try to embarrass their children. Luca looks like he wants to sink into a hole in the ground. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Giovani, Luca's dad." I introduce myself as well and we make some small talk.

"So, dad, if you're here, does that mean mum is around as well?"

"Yes, she is. She just wanted to drop some things off at the office before coming home."

"On a Sunday?"

"You know your mother, son. Weekends don't exist for her."

Luca makes up some excuse for us to leave. Something about giving Giovani and Adrina time to catch up. We walk to some park near his house. I get that it may be too early to meet each other's parents, I have no experience when it comes to dating rules so I wouldn't know. Still, it feels weird that Luca was so determined to leave the house right away.

When we get to the park some of Luca's friends are there playing football.

"Hey dude, I thought you said you couldn't make it today."

"Yeah I did, but the parents came home a day early." His friends seem to know what he's talking about since they don't ask any further questions. I still feel weird because we left so sudden, but I decide to let it go for now. I don't want to push Luca into telling me something he doesn't want to share.

The guys are determined to teach me how to play football. I'm definitely not athletic and I have yet to find a sport I don't suck at. Clearly, football is something I can cross off my list. Kicking a ball is harder than I could have expected. Nevertheless, Luca's friends have a great time watching me try.

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