Chapter 51

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With yesterday's party still fresh in our minds, Luca and I left the hotel rather early to discover the city. I've never been to New York before, but Luca has been here multiple times already and exactly knows which placed he wants to show me. We also have our list of bookstores we want to visit and we plan to cross a few off this weekend.

We got to the hotel well past midnight after spending the whole evening drinking with Luca's friends. We came up with this game to guess people's story. And let me tell you something, after a few, or a few more, drinks you get some pretty funny stories. We ended up having a great time and didn't run into Luca's mom. I was kind of happy that I didn't have to meet her in the middle of a crowded hall with more alcohol in my blood than most parents would approve of.

When we finally got back to our huge hotel room, we were alone. Finally, after being surrounded by people for most of the day. The attraction and lust we felt when we saw each other after getting dressed hadn't disappeared in those hours. Even with the alcohol in our blood, or maybe because of it, we had each other undressed in seconds. We might have been a bit more clumsy than we normally would have been but that didn't lessen the effect he has on me.

Since we had just a few hours of sleep, we stopped at a breakfast place to get some pancakes and loads of coffee to keep us somewhat awake. We have been doing the standard touristy things and Luca showed me some of his favourite spots in the city, including the bookstore he told me about when we talked a while ago. We are still roaming the city as the sun starts to set, turning the sky in beautiful picks and oranges behind the skyscrapers.

We don't want to waste time by spending an hour or even more eating dinner, so we decide to get some hotdogs at a food truck and eat while we walk through Central Park. We both don't care for fancy dinners and are more than happy with something quick and tasty.

To end a full day of walking in the city that never sleeps, we decide to walk over the Brooklyn Bridge to enjoy the sunset before going back to our hotel. Soon we both will see our favourite moments of the day. Mine is the sunset. The sky turns in all different shades of the most beautiful colours. Luca's would come soon after, once the sun disappears behind the horizon the sky turns dark enough to see the many stars lighting up above us. It has been a clear day today, so hopefully, that means we can see a lot of stars tonight. Even if we are in a completely lit up city.

Walking over the bridge, seeing the colours in the sky change, making the sky darker and darker. Luca stops walking and turns us around so we can look at the city's skyline.

"Remember when I told you about my nonnina? And that I go to Italy a few times a year to see her? I was thinking about going to Italy soon to visit her. Maybe even in a week or so already."

"That's amazing, Luca! I'm sure she will be happy to see you. She must miss her family very much."

"I'm sure she does, but there's something else. I told her a lot about you over the phone. Recently whenever I call the first thing she asks is how you're doing. She has grown fond of you without ever meeting you before. I called her two days ago, telling her all about you coming to New York and how I was thinking of visiting her soon."

I keep on listening patiently. I have no idea where Luca is going with telling me all of this, but I learnt one thing, I will absolutely love his grandmother if I ever get the chance to meet her.

"Well, she told me that she was only interested in me visiting her if I brought you with me. So, I think what I wanted to say is, will you go to Italy with me, Skylar?"

"Of course! I have always wanted to go to Italy."

I am more than thrilled to go to Italy with Luca. Whenever he talks about his grandmother and the area she lives, he gets a smile on his face. I bury my face in his neck while I hug him.

"I cannot wait for you to meet nonnina. To show you Rome and the town nonnina lives in. You're going to love it. We can go have a cappuccino every morning and eat pizza and pasta every day. I will call nonnina tomorrow morning to let her know we will be visiting her soon."

Luca keeps on ranting about all the things he wants to show me and all the people I should meet. Just seeing him this happy puts a huge smile on my face. I've never had anyone in my life who got excited to do things with me or to show me new things and places. It feels good to finally have someone this excited to go on a new adventure with me. I cannot wait to go on this and many other adventures with Luca. Especially if he gets this excited every time.

From London to RomeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя