Chapter 39

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This room is absolutely amazing Luca!"

"You like it?"

"I love it! But it's too much, at least let me pay for the food."

"No way, baby. This is my treat, you won't be paying anything."

"I don't want you to pay for me every time, Luca. I want this to be equal."

"I know you're not using me for my money, Skylar. I want to pay for you, I want to treat you. And this is equal, just because I pay for us sometimes doesn't make us any less equal. The fact that you love me this much is more than I could ever ask for."

"Fine but I'm going to spoil you rotten on Christmas and on your birthday."

"That's completely fine, that means you're going to stick around for another eight months."

"If it's up to me we'll spend the next eighty years together."

"You're making me lose my cool, Sky. You're making my heart melt."

He hugs me close to his body, pressing us flush against each other. I hug his waist a bit tighter, savouring the feeling of his body on mine. I don't ever want to let him go. He makes my life so much happier and livelier.

"Are you ready for an evening with amazing food and a view of the best city on earth?"

"Definitely, but the best part will be the guy sitting right next to me."

His eyes sparkle as he moves his face close to mine and kisses me. There's nothing soft or slow about this kiss. It's fast, it's rough, it's hungry. We're two people who can't get enough of each other. Two people that want to discover every part of the other's body. Ever since we first had sex almost a week ago we haven't been able to keep our hands to ourselves.

I like that we got to know each other without involving the sexual part for so long. I feel like we really got to know each other without distractions. Not that I'm not completely distracted every time he is near me. Our connection got so much stronger because we spend so much time talking and learning new things about each other.

I'm also very glad we finally took that step and make our relationship a sexual one as well. I can't believe how amazing Luca is. His body rocks me off my feet with pleasure every single time. He went slow on me in the beginning, finding out what I like, and showing me what he likes. As soon as we got to know each other's bodies, we got fast, hard and dirty. I love how Luca does it all, soft and sweet and rough and dirty. All within one night if I ask him to.

We order our favourite foods from room service, pizza for me and steak for Luca. We eat while we watch a movie on the hotel's free movie streaming service. Our activities tonight aren't that different from our usual hangouts but this time we have the tower bridge right outside of our hotel window.

The sun slowly sets behind all of London's most famous sights and the bridge lets its lights shine brightly in the darkening sky. This city is so beautiful. Millions of tourists must come here every year but I got lucky enough to call it my home.

"Tell me something about you I don't know." I want to learn everything about him. Every small fact, every little detail. I want to know him inside and out.

"I'm afraid to show you my room because it's super disorganised and you're so neat and organised."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of, I know not everyone is as excited about organisational systems as I am."

"But you would most definitely freak out if you saw my bookshelves. I was so busy with work that I just piled everything on my shelves, it looks like a hurricane went through my bookcase."

"If it bothers you so much, I'm sure we can make it our next little project. You helped me put up my bookcases, now I can return the favour."

"Deal. Now, tell me something about you, baby."

"I was obsessed with Disney fairy tales when I was little."

"Is it weird that I can already picture a little Skylar sitting in front of the TV watching Disney princesses?"

"Probably not as weird as me owning every single Disney princess costume ever made."

"Please tell me you still have them."

"Mum probably stored all of them somewhere. Will you tell me something else about you?"

"Always baby. Ehm, I speak Italian."


"Probably not fluently, but pretty decently."

"That's so amazing! Now we must go to Italy so I can hear you speaking Italian all the time."

"I once told you I was planning to visit my nonnina and that you should taste her homemade pizza, you have an open invitation to come with me whenever you want to."

"I might just take you up on that one day."

The prospect of going to Italy with Luca is something I can get very excited about. Travelling through Italy is definitely something I want to do one day, the food, the architecture, the cities, the culture. Sharing that experience with Luca would make it even more special. Especially if that means having my own personal guide and interpreter.

"Thank you for tonight, Luca." I whisper against his lips as I kiss him. Tonight is perfect. I always thought home was the place you felt most comfortable, most like yourself. Now I know that my home is in Luca's arms.

Instead of words, he answers me with another kiss, a deep and feverish kiss. Two kisses turn into four, turn into sixteen. We grow through the motions that have grown familiar to me this past week. My shirt disappears alongside his. Our trousers end up right next to our shirts on the floor. Down to our underwear, we take our time, savouring the other until bruises start to appear on those loving spots. I climb on top of Luca, enjoying both the view of this fine ass man underneath me and the beautiful city right outside of our window. Both sights will be mine for the evening and the morning to come. 

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