Chapter 42

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"Well, at least your mother isn't angry anymore."

"Yeah, but it wasn't necessary to send me to New York in less than a weeks' notice. And I'll be gone for a few weeks."

"I know, I will miss you but it's a great opportunity. You can't miss out on something this big and important."

"It's just that I don't like that I'll be gone for like five weeks. The planning really sucks."

"I know, but you'll have so many parties and events to attend, you won't even have time to miss me."

"I'll always miss you. I think being busy will only make me miss you more because I don't have you to come back home to. The first three shows for the other brands and then mum's launch will begin. Two weeks of parties, shows, photoshoots and who knows what kind of other crap. Who has a launch that lasts two weeks?"

I hate that Luca has to go away for five weeks. For the past months we've spent at least a few days a week together, the longest we went without seeing each other was probably five days and now he will be gone for five weeks. However, I won't complain about any of it because it really is a great opportunity for Luca. His mum's event will probably get a lot of publicity and with all the interviews, photoshoots and other fashion shows, it's a great way for Luca to get his name out there even more. I'm proud of him for taking this step. I know he's still angry with his mum, but I don't want them to fight, especially not over me. But it seems like his mum is no longer angry with him since she offered to arrange the jobs in New York for him.

I look next to me and see Luca focussing on the game again as the players come back to the field. I quickly snap a picture of him. He looks so handsome. He's wearing a Spurs jersey and hat, just like me. I've never seen anyone look better in sports clothes before. I still don't know what I did to deserve him, but I'll do anything to keep him. Now I'm really starting to sound possessive. Who cares, he's mine and I can't wait for everyone to know.

Luca leans close to me and whispers in my ear. "You better put that phone down quickly, otherwise I'll have to show you what happens to bad girls."

I feel my cheeks radiating with heat and I'm sure they are as red as can be. Luca and his dirty mouth make me blush every time. I don't know how he does it, but no matter what he does or says I always get turned on. I never say me as someone to do dirty talk but being around Luca this much really made me comfortable about it. He taught me plenty of great lines to use these past weeks. I also never expected Luca to be someone to be all dirty and rough in bed but I was more than happy to discover that part of him.

Luca and I can't keep our hands off each other ever since that first time. I've had more workouts in the past two weeks than I've had the rest of my life if you know what I mean. He gets me turned on with just a snap of his fingers and I jump his bones as soon as we are alone.

"I have an idea. If we win this game, I'll show you everything a bad girl can do."

While saying this, I put my hand on his thigh and move it dangerously high. I can hear Luca grasp for air and this time it's his cheeks that get flushed.

I know for sure that we're going to win this game. It's three to nil and the other team gets worse by the minute. Looks like we'll be getting another workout tonight.

It definitely was a workout. After three rounds we were both exhausted, so we decided to have a shower and go to sleep. Of course, to save water, we had the shower together – bless private bathrooms – and we just continued with round four in the shower. I know I'll be sore tomorrow, but it is more than worth it.

We finally make it back to bed, this time actually exhausted and ready to fall asleep. Luca is playing with my hair while I trace the lines of his tattoos. When I get to certain spots, I can hear his heartbeat speeding. I love that I have just as much effect on him as he has on me.

"Why don't you come to New York with me? I can show you the city, we can walk through Central Park together, go to the empire state building. Whatever you want to do."

"I would love to Luca, but I can't. I still have the extra credit work for a few more weeks and besides, you'll be busy with work yourself. You wouldn't even have time left to spend with me."

"I'm never too busy to spend time with you. But I get it. It was a stupid idea in the first place. I'm just really gonna miss you."

"It wasn't a stupid idea, Luca. It would have been great if it weren't for the timing. I'll miss you too, but we can call and text all the time and you'll be back before you know it."

"I really hope so."

"What are you most looking forward to about New York?"

"Being in the city again. It's so beautiful. The vibe and the people, it's amazing. I love just going out, grabbing a coffee somewhere and discover the city one street at a time."

"That sounds so nice. You have to make tons of pictures and send them to me. That way I can see all the pretty spots as well. I'm actually a little jealous that you have travelled so much."

"I promise you that I'll take you to every amazing place I've been to and to every place you still want to go."

"As long as it's with you."

"The world is ours, baby."

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