Chapter 9

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Luca tells me more about the audition he has. He sent in a video audition a while ago but another actor got the role. Now he suddenly quit so they asked Luca to do a script reading to see if he fits the team.

"It would only be a small role, not too many scenes but depending on their schedule it could take a week, maybe two."

"It's a great opportunity, you should be excited about this!"

"I am! It just sucks that we are just getting to know each other and now I'm leaving."

"It's only two weeks, maximum. And we can still call and text like we've been doing the past few days as well."

"Yeah, you're right. I was just being an overdramatic drunk last night."

"I'm glad to see you're not being overdramatic anymore then. What time do you have to leave?"

"Not until tonight, so I can stay a bit longer. Maybe talk for a while?"

"Sure I'd love to! Do you want some food? I don't have much left in the kitchen but we can order something."

We end up ordering some lunch from a deli a few streets over. It's one of my go-to places whenever I forgot to do groceries or am too busy studying.

"I wish I could take Adrina with me to LA. She's never been but I know she would love it."

"You can always take her another time. Does she travel with you often?"

"Only when she doesn't have school. My parents don't want her missing any school for her trips with me, so whenever she's on a break and I have a job she'll tag along."

"It must be nice to be able to share that with your sister."

"It is. Growing up we often only had each other. Mum worked a lot, she was away for days, sometimes even weeks. Dad was home more often but he still had to go to work. Adrina and I, we've always had each other to fall back on. A friend around when we went on business trips with our parents, a sibling to stick with when we would get a new nanny. I know being four years apart seems like a lot but in many ways, she's my best friend. Don't ever tell her I said that though."

"I understand. Having siblings is like having that best friend who always has your back. Who's always there for you when you need them, in the good and the bad times. The only difference is being related to each other. Which only makes the bond so much stronger."

"And they are so fun to mess with sometimes. I can't even count all the times I pulled a prank on Adrina. Fake spiders in her room, hiding her stuff, changing her ringtone. Putting salt instead of sugar in her pancakes."

"You're bad Luca. Bullying your little sister like that."

"Let me guess, your brother did the same to you and your sister?"

"Yes! He still does though. When I was home for Christmas he thought it would be funny to hide his speakers in my bedroom and wake me up at 5 am by blasting music through my room."

"Golden! I have to remember that one."

"Remind me to never let you meet my brother,"

"Same goes for you, lady. I feel like you and my sister would gang up on me without as much as a hesitation. I'm not ready to let my sister overpower me just yet."

"You know that this just makes me want to get to know her even more, right?"

"Lord have mercy on me."

"Now tell me more about your lovely sister. You've made me curious about her."

"She's 17, still in high school. She loves to tease me, pulls as many pranks on me as I do on her. She loves fashion and beauty, she really has an eye for all of it. She takes after mum when it comes to passions."

"Your mum must love that. Being able to share that with her daughter."

"That's what you would expect. Enough about me, let's talk about you."

"Me? I'm not that interesting."

"Now I don't think that's true. I spend a few days getting to know you and I find you to be plenty interesting. Now talking about passions, I see you weren't exaggerating about the books."

"I assume you're talking about the pile stacked in the corner?"

"Yeah, I don't think I've seen someone store their books like this."

"I would have gotten a bookcase if it fitted in the room properly, but I'm a little short on space as you can see."

"We'll come up with something. Now we at least have something to do once I'm back from LA."

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