Chapter 58

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Nonna has a whole list of chores for me to do while I am here. Helping her neighbour move some stuff was easy enough but once I got back I could go right onto changing light bulbs and fixing a sink. It's a good thing I'm rewarded with cake and pizza afterwards.

The first few days we mainly spend at nonna's house. I don't get to spend time with her that often so I really want to enjoy the time we can spend together now. Nonna has told us so many stories from when she and nonno were younger, even stories she's never mentioned before. I really enjoy hearing her tales, it makes me feel so much more connected to my family and my roots. I also start to realise just how much I resemble nonno. The more I learn about him, the more I can relate to him.

I wish I could talk to dad right now, ask him about nonno and the memories he has. I know I should just call or text them but somehow I feel like the ball is in their court. They were the ones who couldn't accept my relationship with Skylar, or at least mum couldn't. And then she goes on to try and set me up with someone else.

If they were the ones to cause to break the contact between us, they should be the ones to try to fix it as well.

As if dad has a sixth sense my phone starts ringing and his photo pops up on my screen.

"Luca! How are you, son?"

"I'm good. It's nice to see nonna again."

"Yes, I can imagine. I talked to her a few days ago and she's ecstatic to have you there. She kept on talking about Skylar as well. She really loves her."

"Well, at least some of my family like her."

"About that, I think we need to have a good chat with you when you get back." No, please. Not this crap again. "I'm sorry for how things went when you told us about her. I liked her that first time, I really did. I love to see the happiness sparkling in your eyes and she is the reason for that. Your mum will have to explain some things herself, but I'm sorry that I didn't stick up for the two of you more. And I'm definitely sorry for the tricks your mum tried to pull and I want you to know I had no part in that, I didn't even know until after your mother came back to London."

"I think I kinda knew that, but still. It's not great to be happy and have an amazing relationship and then have your family dismiss it."

"I know, son. We were once in a similar situation but we forgot about the hurdles we once had to overcome and how we don't want that for you and Adrina. When you get back to the city we can all talk, just know I am sorry for how things went and I know your mother regrets her behaviour as well."

I really don't know what to think about our conversation. I'm glad to have talked to dad, to have the ice broken between us but it doesn't feel like anything is solved. I really need to have a chat with them and figure this crap out once and for all.

On the way to the beach, I tell Sky about the phone call and she tries to be as positive as she can be, reassuring me that everything will be alright.

We spend the entire afternoon at the beach. Skylar keeps me distracted the entire time we're away. We talked about my family for a bit on the walk here and I decided that I'll stay with my parents for a bit when I get back to London. I want to figure out whatever is going on between my parents and me and the only way to do that is to sit in the same room and talk about everything that happened these past months. I don't want to bring Skylar just yet, first I want to make sure she's not going to get hurt again.

"I'm not going! You go!"

"But it's too warm, we should go in the water." I give her my best puppy eyes in hopes of her going into the ocean with me.

"Naha! You are old enough to go on your own. I'll stay right here and there's nothing you can do about that." Challenge accepted.

I get up from the towel and make it look like I'm getting ready to go for a swim. I quickly check if Sky has no valuables on her and I get ready for action. I pick her up from behind but she struggles more than expected. Her squeals are already attracting curious eyes to us so I have to make this quick. I throw her over my shoulder and carry her to the water as she kicks her legs in the air and slaps my back with her hands. I don't let her go until my feet are in the water already.

Her feet are just underwater after I set her back down. A huge pout forms on her face. I can see she's trying to look intimidating right now but she doesn't look anything other than cute in my eyes.

"Come on, baby. Let's go for a swim."

"It doesn't look like I have much choice in the matter."

"You know you love me, darling."

"You're lucky I do."

When we get back to nonna's she pulls me to another room as Skylar goes upstairs to shower.

"I know you two are leaving in just two days and I wanted to give you something. When your nonno and I were expecting our first baby, your father, he gave me something. To me, it was the most special thing I have ever possessed, even more than my wedding ring." She pulls a small box out of her pocket and hands it to me. "I want you to have it. It's so precious to me and I want it to stay in the family."

I open the box to find a ring inside. It's absolutely stunning.

"I want Skylar to have it. You don't have to give it to her now, you decide what and when, but she is the one for you, caro. You really would have made your nonno proud."

We both have tears in our eyes by the time she's done talking. I look at the ring again. A silver band with a bright ocean blue stone. Aquamarine nonna explains. It's the most beautiful ring I've ever seen but that may be because the gemstone is the exact colour of Skylar's eyes.

With nonnina's ring hidden at the bottom of my luggage, I'm ready for whatever is waiting for me next.

Going back to London and fix things with my parents. Figuring out what's going to be next in my career. Spending my free time with my friends and Skylar. Taking Skylar on dates whenever I get the chance. Maybe even start looking for a place on my own.

Everything is possible for the days, weeks, months and years to come, but one thing I know for sure. That ring that is buried in my bag will appear in a few years. Once we're ready for it I will get that ring and ask Skylar to marry me. Because no matter what happens, I want this girl to be next to me every step of the way, from London to Rome.

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