Act 1

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"Normal talk"
"Telepathy to the queen/Locust"
"speakers for speeches"
"locust language"

3th p.o.v.

As Marcus Fenix and his little crew were driving at high speed towards a Cargo ship that had a few Hammer of Dawn locator lasers loaded. Two people along with 3 heavily armored locust watched them as they breached through a gate.

???: "Markus Fenix seems to be just as persistent as his father, and as predictable."

???: "If he lives through this, our whole species is in danger."

???: "make sure his little mission ends here."

3 ???: "Yessssss."

The three Armored locust left shortly after as the two watched them move out.

???: "So, ya still want me to get the Riftworm into the depths of the inner hollow to see if a lace there is still untouched by the Imulsion?"

???: "it's our only other option Y/n. If Markus finishes his mission, all of our race will be eliminated in the process...except from us of course."

Y/n: "I give it a try Myrrah, ill let you know if I find anything of interest to us."

The man in the armor of a royal guard walked up to the lucust queen and held her close, a small smile crept on her face.

Y/n: "What king would I be if I didn't try to save our species?"

Myrrah: "Still my king. Come on, now go."

Y/n: "Yes my queen."

He lets go of her and did a playful bow towards her before sitting up on his personal Reaver and flew towards his little base of operation in the Ruins of the outer hollow.

Small skip

As he jumped of his Reaver, a few regular Drones came up to him and bowed there heads.

Y/n: "Rise."

The two of them ifted there heads as they looked into there Kings e/c Eyes.

Drone1: Your Brigade has been gathered and awaits you near the entrance to the inner ruins my General."

Y/n: "very good. Is the Riftworm awake?"

Drone2: "Yes general. He is awaiting your command."

Y/n: "Wonderful. You may leave."

As he was walking to the gathering point, the two drones took another way to watch there king reveal the next step to the plan.

Drone1: "Do you know why the King is here? I thought he never leaves his queen."

Drone2: "I don't know, but what I know is that if he is here, and the Crimson Brigade is gathered, it has to be important."

Drone1: "Let's get going, I don't want to miss his plan."

While y/n stood in front of the Entrance to the old Inner hollow they once called there home, his Brigade was gathered in front of him, with regular locust all around who were stationed in this Area.

Y/N: My Brothers, my Brigade, today we shall try and make the unexplored parts of the inner hollow our new home! No more scattered clans who turn to savagery! All back together again under the locust banner! I will lead the Riftworm down into the hollow to dig out new home, free of the imulsion, free from the Lambent. Let the humans fight them while we take ourselfs out of the equation! The brigade will follow me, and you others shall reclaim the Ruins of the inner hallow! Scouts report COG have been spotted who take weapons and other things from the Ruins. Execute them on the spot. Show no mercy, they never did it either! If you find a high ranking officer, bring them to me! Now!! FOR THE QUEEN!"

For my Queen (Gears of War Reader x RWBY)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu