Harley x Nana ♤ run aways

Start from the beginning

Harley was cute, she had to admit, but he was a criminal.

A really cute criminal.

Oh no, I'm crushing on him already.

Nana put her hands on her head and screamed internally. Why was he so cute? Maybe the way his orange hair slightly curled at the ends? Or how tall he was? What about his smile? So many things Nana could point out but still not decipher.


Nana turned to see Miya, giving her a small smile.

"Hi, Miya!" she awkwardly waved and walked over.

"We need to stay inside today, okay?" Miya said, patting Nana's head.

Nana looked at Miya, confusion on her face. "Why? Is something going on?"

"Actually, yes," Miya sighed then continued,

"There is a boy in town who isn't supposed to be here, he is a human being, about your height, and a total trickster."

"Okay, I promise I'll stay inside."

Miya smiled, "Good because I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

The two went inside to make lunch, then talked about random things on the couch while having milkshakes Miya made. Time passed by so quickly they didn't notice how dark it had become.

"It's getting late Nana, let's get to bed." Miya said, getting up from her warm spot on the couch and stretching. Nana did the same.

"Okay, goodnight Miya."

Miya went to her room while Nana cleaned up the living room. When she was done, she also went to her room. Then she remembered Harley.

Should I go now? But it's so late at night...

Suddenly, a rock struck her window, then another and another. Someone was trying to get her attention.

She opened up her window, quite annoyed.

"Who is there?!" she yelled into the darkness, but not too loud to wake Miya or anyone else.

"It's me, Harley."

She squinted her eyes and peered into the darkness. Standing just below her was Harley, top hat and all, giving her a smile.

"Did you forget about me?"

"Actually I didn't," Nana the crossed her arms, "I just don't know if I can trust you."

"Sure you can! I'm not doing anything wrong, for some reason the Elves here like chasing visitors." he laughed at his joke while Nana kept a straight face, not getting it.

"Just come down and we can talk about this."

"What if I don't want to?" Nana replied, a bit harsher then she meant to.

"That's fine then, I'll just go"

Nana felt saddened. He was just going to give up like that? Well, she was the one who rejected his request.

"Wait! I'll come, j-just let me get ready!"

Quickly but quietly she closed the window and went to the front door to get her shoes. When she was done getting them on, she raced to the backdoor not minding to lock it, then to the side where she saw Harley.

"Harley?" she said, looking around.

Why is it so dark?


Nana jumped from the sudden voice, then calmed down when she noticed it was Harley.

"You scared me!" she exclaimed, hand on her chest.

"I see that, " he slightly laughed, "let's go now, shall we?"

He pulled out his hand for Nana to hold, and she did.

"We shall."

A few minutes later ♤

"Isn't it nice?" Harley asked, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, the sky is beautiful." Nana also smiled, then looked down at their intertwined hands. They had talked about random things and introduced themselves, basically started over. Nana might have accidentally told Harley he was cute and then the hand thing happened but we don't talk about that-


"Yeah, Harley?"

"Let's run away together, get away from this world."

Nana was bewildered. How was she supposed to answer?


"Wait, " he covered her mouth, "hear me out."

"I know that we can't escape the world, but we could go somewhere where we are accepted and not pushed around, you feel me?"

"I think I know a place, " Nana said, nodding to herself, "but I wanted to bring Miya with me..."

"We will go get her now then leave! What about that?" Harley asked, standing up (pulling Nana up in the process) and looking at her determined.

"Okay, let's run away."


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