Chapter 13

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Newt Sangster and Thomas O' Brien

Lee Island Resort and Spa

 Everything about the party was overwhelming, the music, the drinks, the male strippers, and specially the hangovers from the drinks. Everyone was tired from the partying but Newt and Thomas couldn't relate because they were in the clinic due to Thomas' asthma attack. It was his first attack in weeks. It was almost noon in the island. Teresa hasn't replied to any of Newt's texts and he was really concerned for he's cousin's wellbeing. He always liked Stephen because he resembled a brunette that he knew but he always knew something was wrong with the guy and now he knows.

"Oh, that hits the exact spots!" Thomas moans as the massage therapists his stress filled muscle. The sea breeze was hitting his only towel covered body. "I like it on that spot on the left," he suggested.

Newt almost laughed looking every on and then from his book seeing Thomas react like that when the therapist massages his muscles. He was on the lounging chair next to Thomas wearing blue swimming trousers and a sun glasses on his head. His blond hair was perfect with the sun glasses on his head. Newt shock his head while laughing everything he saw how Thomas react.

"Newt do you want to be pampered too?" Thomas asked. Newt simply shock his head and went back to his book.

"I need to use the loo love," Newt stood up, kissed Thomas' forehead and left for the bathroom.

Another young man rested on the other empty massage chair to get pampered like Thomas. He was as old as Thomas. He looked familiar to Thomas like already saw the boy somewhere like a magazine or something.

"Hello don't mind if I ask, have I seen you somewhere before?" Thomas ask for he was very curios. The boy was very familiar like he already saw him somewhere.

"Oh, my name is Zart," the boy introduced himself glaring at Thomas.

Zart! The super model of watches, shoes, clothing lines, and cars and another heir for the modelling company of his mother he thought. He was the man-slut of the social world. Sleeping with different man and woman every now and then. Yeah, he was a Bi but that doesn't really matter right?

"So, you're the Thomas guy everyone is gossiping about?" Zart asks. Thomas was still uncomfortable about the whole everyone knows. He nods in confusion. "I really admire you. It takes guts coming all the way up here facing Newt's family." Thomas was surprised and shock about what the great 'Winston' just said.

"Excuse me why are telling me about this stuff?" Thomas asks still curious. Winston cackled and shock his while being pampered on the back a male therapist.

"You don't really have an idea, do you?" Zart raised an eyebrow. Thomas frowned. "I loved Newt too way back when we we're just like 13 but that was long ago."

"So? What exactly is your point here?" Thomas asks wondering how long can Newt be in the bathroom so he can leave that uncomfortable conversation.

"I don't mean to offend or anything. Auntie Ava didn't like me because I came from a new money family," Zart told as he moan in pleasure from the massage.

"You're trying to tell me that I don't belong here," Thomas was clearly offended by the statement that was just let go by the famous model.

"Exactly, but in a nice way," Zart said calmly. Thomas stood up and wrapped the white towel around his waist and started to walk away.

He was breathing heavily when he opened the door of their hotel room. His room was in ruins and filled with rotten fish in every corner. On the wall written was Fishy Gold Digger. It was written in some sort of blood. He gasped trying to inhale as much air as much as possible. Trying not to have an asthma attack. He already has the early symptoms of the attack, breathing heavily.

"Tommy what's wrong?!" a familiar voice yelled through the beach air. Thomas so preoccupied and he was too busy trying to catching his breath. "Tommy I was worried-" he was cut by the sight of the trashed room. "Bloody hell!" he cursed. Thomas let the cries and sobs out while he was still trying to catch his breath. "Tommy can you hear me?" he shook his boyfriend trying get him back from whatever nightmare he was in.

"Newt, I can't take this anymore," Thomas hugged his boyfriend crying and sobbing all over the place. Newt cringed in the sight of his boyfriend being harassed and crying. "I want to go back to New York please. I want to go back home. I want to leave," Thomas begged. His tears getting Newt's back all wet.

"I promise, love, we'll be back in the US before you know it," Newt rubbed Thomas' back almost crying too. Thomas was led to the clinic once again by the staff while Newt stayed behind to tell what happened.

"I came here he was already hyperventilating and I saw our room trashed and vandalized," Newt explained to the head of the security.

"Okay Sir, since there wasn't any witness on the scene. We'll check the security cameras for the culprits," the head of security said and wrote something on the notepad. "Sir, you are free to go now."

Newt walked the hallways to the clinic thinking if it's right to leave the party and just go back to London and he finally made up his mind. They were going back to London at least his mother wasn't that cruel at Thomas at least.

"Love, how are you?" Newt asks rumpling Thomas' brunette hair. The boy was resting on the clinic bed using an inhaler to catch his breath. Thomas only shrugged and slightly nodded. "After you get better, we're getting to the next boat that leaves this place," he explained but Thomas only smiled a bit. That was good enough for Newt. "And you know I'll love you and I will never want anything bad happen to you," he kissed Thomas' top head. Thomas lays back and starts to fall asleep. Newt hums to the sleeping Thomas making sure he has the sleep he needs since it's been a rough day for the two of them.

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