Chapter 1

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Newt Sangster and Thomas O' Brien

New York 2018

"Are you sure about this?" Thomas asked again hesitantly, blowing softly on the surface of his steaming cup of tea. They were sitting at their usual spot near the window at Tea & Sympathy, Newt just asked him to spend his summer in England.

"Tommy, I want you to come. I need you come," Newt reassured him "You weren't planning on studying or tutoring the whole summer, so what's your worry? You can handle the cold and rain."

"No, it's not like that. You'll just be busy on the best-man duties, and I won't want distract you," Thomas answered.

"What distraction? Minho's wedding is just going to be a week and you can go with me for the rest of summer," Newt explained. "We've been dating for over a year now and I think it's about time people get to know who's my boyfriend and I want to show you where I grew up and the places that I loved so we can make more memories together," Newt held Thomas' hand and kissed it.

"Will you show me the club where you lost your virginity?" Thomas asked grinning. He was playful even in the most serious moment. Newt laughed brushing his blonde hair.

"Of course, Tommy we can even make a stage re-enactment," Newt answered playfully. Thomas laughed and spread strawberry jam on his freshly baked scone. "And the weird high school friend of yours who lives in London?" Newt asked. The sun's rays reflecting on his brown eyes making them glow golden.

"Oh Alby. Okay I'll come but if I distract you, I'll go to Alby's and hang out there. He always wanted me to visit there anyway," Thomas said. "Okay but there's another reason-" Newt trailed off. He always made simple thing suspenseful.

"You'll love the food there," Newt continued. Tommy puts his hand on top of Newt's. Newt responded with a smile, making Thomas blush. Glad the people there didn't care about that kind of relationship. Well they were both gay but there wasn't an issue with that cause, well, it's 2018. It's normal now. "I'll love to see gobble up English food. I know you'll choke up and I'm sure it's a national sport for you," the blonde boy added. They both laughed knowing that it was all true.

"Remember Calvin Trillin's New York piece on English street food? Which I take to the local places he doesn't even know about." Newt took another bite of the fluffy scone and continued with his mouth full. "I know how much you love tea. Just wait till you taste my grandmother's-"

"Your grandmother makes tea?" Thomas imagines a traditional old English woman holding a tea pot.

"Well she doesn't exactly brew them herself but she has the best tea in the world," he smirked. "You'll see," Newt said turning around making sure no one overheard their conversation. He didn't want to become a persona non grata at his favourite cafe for carelessly pledging allegiance to another tea, even if it was his grandmother's.

At the nearby table, the boy huddled to three-tiered stand piled high with finger sandwiches was increasingly getting excitement from overhearing the conversation. He suspected it might be him, but now it was confirmed itself. It was Newt Sangster. Even though they were ten back then, Liam Carmela never forget the day Newt Sangster walked pass their table at a country club and flashed his brown eyes on his sister Charlotte.

Liam quickly took out his phone and texted his older sister.

Liam: Guess who's in the next table near me?

Big Sis: Who?

Liam: Newt Sangster!

Big Sis: Spy for me

Liam: You owe me big time!!!

Liam called the waiter. "Take of me, make sure to get the other table near me," he ordered. The waiter nodded. He handed him his cell phone. And click! Click after click, a different angle was caught. "Okay I think that' enough," he said. The waiter gave him his phone. Liam asked for the check and the waiter left. Liam quickly cropped the picture making sure, the couple is one on the picture and quickly sending it all to his sister. His sister did the same. Sending the pictures to also everyone she knew, and by that afternoon, the photos were viral. And there was gossip everywhere. The photo even reached London. Newt's hometown by that night. The big news of Newt bringing a boy home to London. And heck, that was a big news!

"We can go anywhere. Ireland is just a bridge away. And it's just a hop, skip, and a jump to Iceland. Then we could go to Spain, Italy, France, hell let's just have a Europe tour!" Thomas joked. Newt nodded while taking a sip on his tea.

"Well if you want to. Then we'll go," Newt eagerly answered. Their hands intertwined on the table. Newt smiles to his brunette boyfriend, Thomas suddenly pouts in response. "What's wrong now Tommy?"

"Am I going to meet your parents?" Thomas asks without an emotion. Newt sighs. "What if they don't like me? What if they are homophobic?" Thomas continues.

"Let them be. It's okay Tommy, you'll always have me," Newt answers with a reassuring smile. Thomas responses with another smile but raises an eyebrow. "Okay my family is like any other, there's the other half you love and adore. And there's the other half" Newt explains.

"Which half am I meeting?" Thomas was curious.

"Well there's my older sister Sonya, she's a Lawyer in Paris and dating someone named Paris apparently. There's also my cousin Aris who lives in Sweden and a real life 'billionaire man whore," he drew some air quotes in action.

"Let me guess, 'kiss and make out'?" he leans forward and whispers the words. Newt awkwardly nods.

"And there's Teresa," Newt said.

"Ugrh, Teresa! I already met her and she likes me and she's a down to earth person," Thomas answered.

Newt kisses his boyfriend's hand. "Okay that's enough I better get going to get pack so do you,"

"Okay but I need a kiss," Thomas said playfully. They both stood up. Newt leans forward and kisses his boyfriend.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I'll go shopping first because I don't want my future-in-laws think that I wear old clothes plus Chuck wants me to help him pick some clothes," Thomas explains. Newt fixes his jacket, places a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek and leaves. It was Newt's turn to pay for the bill. College allowance and money, he got from tutoring economy to some rich spoiled brat. He doesn't want to ask his Mom for money because he knew it would stress her.

"I haven't met his family. Every time I ask, he changes the subject," Thomas explained as he chose from the racks of clothes.

"What if his family is poor and he had to send money to them?" Chuck asks as he pull out a shirt from the racks.

"I don't really know," Thomas said as he saw what he likes. A denim jacket with a crown design on the back. "And we are poorer from shopping in a thrift store."

"Hey! There is no problem shopping here and it's much cheaper here than in a department store," Chuck retorted. Thomas rolls his eyes. "Oh, this looks great!" Chuck was his roommate/ best friend since Alby left to study abroad. He didn't care if Thomas was gay or whatever, he quotes 'I'll accept you whatever you are but I will not if you tell you're an alien'.

Thomas got some shirts with prints that say Nike, Adidas, and the denim jacket he found that has an embroidery on the back. He thinks the printed brand logos was either fake or pirated which still means fake. He and Chuck went to their apartment to pack everything Thomas will need. 

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