Meeting her family

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Meeting Taiyang was fun. He was the typical dad and made about hurting her, but that was expected. He even made fresh cookies for you both.

"Okay, now remember, back straight, chin up, and don't talk to anyone without me" well that wasn't gonna be hard. The beauty of sarcasm. "Im nervous, but I think it's gonna be okay" Weiss smiled nervously, not so convinced. The doors opened revealing you too to the party. Weiss linked arms with you in a professional manner and walked into the room. Ladys and gents were scattered around the room, their eyes on you and Weiss. Some held no emotion, some held pure disgust. Weiss led you over to her father and her brother, where you were introduced to them. "Father, Whitley. This is (y/n). (Y/n), this is my Father Jacque, and my brother Whitley" remembering how Weiss mentioned Jacque didnt like to touch 'commoners', you didn't offer to shake their hands and instead replied "it's a pleasure to meet you both" Jacque eyed you up suspiciously. "Indeed. Tell me, are your relations with my daughter so you could worm your way into the company" taken aback by his words, you felt hurt at the accusations. "Of course not sir. I love Weiss for who she is. She a kind, skilled, loving and intelligent huntress. I would never use her for her money" Jacque seems to dissagree. "Is that so. Then explain something to me. Who bought you the suit/dress you're wearing? It seems awfully pricey" you looked down in shame and embarrassment, not wanting to give an answer. "It seems I have my answer. I will not have my company or my daughter handed over to a commoner, whose only interested in my money". You tried to protest but Jacque called security to have you removed. You were dragged away from Weiss, you didn't fight from fear of making the situation worse. "Father please! She doesn't want the company! She loves me for who I am!" Shouts Weiss causing a scene. "I highly doubt that" he says watching you get dragged away.

Kali and Ghira were overjoyed their daughter had found someone much better than Adam. Kali kept saying you would make a great daughter-in-law. Ghira didn't bother with threats, he knew you were a good match for her, plus he liked you. All in all, a smooth meeting.

Just a few puns made with Taiyang and he loves you. He practically accepted you as his new daughter. He even threatened Yang about hurting you instead of the other way around.


Pyrrhas mom was just like her. So sweet and kind. She said she was surprised Pyrrha brought a girl home, but accepted you all the same.

Velvets mom was nothing like what you thought she was going to be. You were expecting a sweet and innocent bunny faunus like Velvet. But instead, she was a bear faunus. A tall, muscular, rather intimidating, bear faunus. Turns out her bunny features are from her dad, but that would explain her strength. "I cant believe you're part bear bun-bun!" You exclaim excited. Velvet blushes "everyone assumes I'm just this cute, innocent bunny. But I was trained to be a grimm killing machine" you chuckle and kiss her forehead. "Yeah, but your my cute, innocent, grimm killing bunny".

Cocos parents welcomed you with open arms. Coco had a good intuition, so her parents trusted she had found someone good for herslef. You proved that with your fashion sense. Cocos family was all about fashion, so that helped greatly.

Winter had tried to teach you the proper dinner party manners for weeks, but it was difficult to keep track of, which bit of cutlery to use, there were so many. During the dinner party, Winters dad kept shaking his head whenever you made a mistake. You felt ashamed and embarrassed, but you kind of expected this. Whitley found it amusing how much you were messing up. Winter tried to subtly help you by holding the correct fork or spoon. "Clearly you are not from any house of power. I cannot accept my daughter dating anyone who doesn't have some sort of influence" you hung your head low and thought it best if you left, despite Winters protest.



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