When You're Jealous

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"You're so cute Ruby" said some guy who was flirting with my girlfriend, and I'm right next to her! I loop my arm around her waisr and pull her closer to my side "she is isn't she, she's especially cute when she's sleeping, I'm so lucky" I say hinting we sleep in the same bed. He looks confused then says "wait, you two are together?" Is he stupid? "Does the pope shit in the woods?" Now he's even more confused. "I'll take that as a yes. My bad" he apologises and walks off. Yeah that's right, walk away while you still can!.
("Does the pope shit in the woods?" My dad would say this alot and it just makes me laugh. It's basically answering a stupid question with another stupid question. For those who don't get it.)

"Neptune! Get away from my girlfriend!" I've had it with Neptune flirting with Weiss! It's like he doesn't hear the word no! He hears what he wants to hear. "What? We were just talking" he replies as he has Weiss pushed against a wall. I throw him off her and drag Weiss back to her dorm.

I was walking down the halls on my way back from the library when I noticed Sun and Blake talking just outside of professor Ports class. I was about to call out to them when what I saw enraged me. Sun was leaning in to kiss Blake. Blake was leaning away but her back was against the wall. Normally she'd slap anyone who got too close but Sun was persistant. I bolted down the hall and put my palm between their faces, when Sun realised he was kissing my palm, I swiftly grabbed his face and slammed his head into the floor. "If I ever see you pull that shit again, your tails coming off, got it?" He held his bloody nose, nodded and sped off. Blake hugged me and whispered a "thank you" in my ear.

When girls flirt with Yang you don't really say anything bevause you trust Yang, and she doesn't really pay them any attention, especially if she's with you. But one day you just couldn't stand it anymore and lashed out at the first girl who approached her. You would have started a foght if Yang didn't drag you away screaming.

It's rare that people flirt woth Nora because she makes such a big deal about dating you. But there was a new kid who didn't know about you two. So at the first chance he got, he took. He put his arm around Noras shoulders in Dr Ooblecks class. You were behind Nora so you could easily lean forward, grab the guys arm and twist. He looks at you in obvious pain, you mouth to him "she's mine!" And let go of his arm. Nora smiling and him rubbing his injured arm.

Even though people know Pyrrha as a world renoun fighter, theres always that one idiot sho will act all cocky and try to get in her pants. But you were always there to step in, mainly kissing pyrrha whilst staring at the guy.

There was that one weird guy at school who was said to have a 'faunus fetish'. He only dated faunus', but would leave them after he got what he wanted. Once you saw him approach Velvet, you were quick to kick him where the sun doesn't shine, and promise that if he comes near Velvet again, you'll make sure he doesn't go to bed with anyone again.

Coco has lots of fans, being from team CVFY and all. But sometimes fans get a little too close. You were fighting with one of Cocos fans, a freshman, and was showing her no mercy. Coco eventually had to drag you off before you seriously hurt the girl.

You were currently being dragged off by Atlas guards for screaming at General Ironwood. You caught him making a move on Winter and you weren't gonna allow that. If you worked for him, you could have recieved a worse punishment. But since you don't, and with a little help from Winter, all you got was a 2 week suspension from the military base. Meaning you couldn't intrude on Winters work like you usually do.

Others flirting with Cinder is extrenely rare. Even rarer than silver eyes. So instead of approaching her, they convert with eachother about how hot she is and what they would do to her. You caught wind of this, and threatened to tell cinder whats being said about her and that you'll personally cut off their faunus parts.

Being Ravens girlfriend means you also have a bit of power in the tribe. So when you saw some of the men drooling over pictures they'd secretly taken of Raven, you not only beat then up and confiscated the photos, you told them to go survive in the wilderness on their own for a few days. When Raven noticed they'd disappeared, you told her everything and she dealt with the men when they came back. You showed her the photos and she burned them. But you kept one of her changing to yourself. Despits being taken without permission, it was a damn good photo.

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