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"Ruby! you can't just go on this mission! you're going to get killed!" you were trying to convince Ruby she can't go on a mission that requires at least 2 qualified huntsman to go with a student team. "We'll be fine (y/n)! We can fight! We know how to protect ourselves against grimm!" Ruby really wasn't seeing your point and it was frustrating you. "that's not the point! I know you can fight! but you can't go without 2 huntsman! and what if you face more grimm than you can handle?! or a huntsman?! you can't fight a huntsman! you haven't had as much training as they have!" Ruby looked hurt and betrayed, but you stood your ground. "Are you saying I'm not good enough?!" you were shocked she would assume such a thing "No! I'm not saying that at all! I'm saying I don't want to lose you to a mission that you're not qualified for!" Ruby suddenly went quiet, you noticed tears streaming down her face and decided it was best if you left her alone for a while.

Weiss was being completely irrational. you were trying to tell her that it was time you met her family. she had already met yours and now it was time you met hers. but she wasn't having any of it, she would make excuses or just outright say no to meeting her family. "what's the problem Weiss?! Why don't you want me to meet your family?!" Weiss let out a frustrated sigh, turning away from you and walking away, you followed after her. "They just won't like someone like you (y/n)" she says calmly, before realising what she said "no, I didn't mean-" but you had heard enough "someone like me?! what is that even supposed to mean?! am I not good enough for you?! have you finally realised you can do so much better?!" tears broke free and dripped down your cheeks. Weiss looked incredibly guilty "of course not! I love you so much but-" you didn't let her finish "save it! I don't want to hear it!" you stormed off in a crying rage. seeking your best friend for comfort.

Blake hasn't been giving you very much attention recently. she's been more focused on her books and school work. Even on weekends she would say she was too busy and be completely focused on her work. "Blake please. you've been really distant lately. I miss you. please let's just hang out for a bit?" Blake didn't even take notice that you were upset and just replied with "not now (y/n)" the way you saw it, you clearly weren't wanted. so before you left you said "you could've just said you don't want me around anymore Blake" this made Blake regret neglecting you for the past week or so. but before she could say a word to you, you were gone.

"Yang! Stop! Let go!" Yang was currently dragging you by the arm back to your room. "so you can go back to that girl?! no way!" all you did was hug an old friend that you had found in the courtyard. but Yang, as always, got jealous and thought it was a good idea to make threats and just drag you away. "Yang! She's just a childhood friend! I haven't seen her in years! Its not illegal for me to hug my friends! I don't get possessive of you if you hug Blake!" Yang put you down and stared you in the eye. "Maybe because Blake doesn't smirk at you over my shoulder!" you had no idea what she was talking about, but your frustration levels were through the roof. "ughhh! I cant stand you being so overprotective and possessive of me! it has to stop!" before she could respond, you stormed off to find your friend and apologise for Yangs behaviour.

"What are you angry about (y/n)?" you were angry because even though they're best friends, and he's usually not so forward, you've noticed Ren has been flirting with Nora. Maybe the fact that she was unavailable for a relationship now is making Ren regret not getting to her sooner. now matter how many signals she gave him that she liked him. Damn idiot. "because Ren is clearly flirting with you and you're oblivious to it! you're like he was before you got with me!" Nora looked offended and immediately started defending Ren "he's my best friend (y/n)! and I'm with you so why on earth would he be flirting with me?!" the frustration was building up and you didn't want to do something you regret so you just said "I dunno Nora! why don't you go ask Mr. innocent himself!" and stormed away.

Pyrrha does absolutely nothing about Jaune flirting with her! he uses those stupid pick up lines and she just smiles and laughs! she should be telling him that she's taken! "(y/n)? are you alright?" asks the one person you don't want to speak to, Jaune. "Just peachy Jaune" you say quite harshly. "Did I do something wrong?" he asks, putting a hand on your shoulder. You brush it off and take a step away from him, the rest of team JNPR tuning in to the conversation. Pyrrha comes forward, grabbing your hand, asking you what's wrong. "How can you be so blind Pyrrha?" Pyrrha looked confused, so you spell it out for her. "Jaune is constantly flirting with you, and you do nothing about it!" she looked shocked. You peek behind her and see Nora and Ren raising quizzical eyebrows at Jaune, who just looks guilty. "(y/n), Jaune is like a brother to me, he knows that" You yank your hand away from her. "Does he?! cause from here it looks like he's trying to take you away from me!" You didn't even let her say anything back, you just turned and speed walked away.

Velvet was currently lecturing you for constantly groping her butt. she kept saying it was embarrassing and didn't like it when you did it in public. "But the way you react is so cute bunny" you try to give her a hug but she just backs away. "No (y/n)! I don't like it when you do it in public! it's embarrassing! please just stop it!" the way she was begging made you realise she was serious. "I cant take it anymore (y/n). It's like I'm just something you can cop a feel of every now and then. Like I'm just a trophy girlfriend" she was right. You did kind of show Velvet off to people like a shiny trophy instead of a girlfriend. You felt so guilty, so you decided to make it up to her.

"C'mon (y/n), just change already" says Coco, pushing an outfit against your chest. "No Coco, I like what I'm wearing" you try to push the outfit away but she keeps pushing it back against you. "just change (y/n). your fashion sense is so crappy" Coco didn't have time to apologise before you harshly shoved her away from you, and made a beeline for the door. "(y/n) wait! I didn't mean that!" Coco grabbed your hand to try and stop you from leaving, but you just yank your hand away "of course you meant it! otherwise you wouldn't have said it!" you slam the door shut behind you. emphasising that you were mad.

"Winter, can we go on a date? its been forever" you whined. lately Winter's been working more than ever, and it's all because of Ironwood! "No (y/n). I need to get this finished for Ironwood" you heave a frustrated sigh. "since when were you always 'Ironwood this' and 'Ironwood that'. What about me? I need attention too y'know" but Winter just ignored you. "fine! if Ironwood means that much to you, then just go and be with him!" you stormed out of Winters office, slamming the door. Winter felt quite guilty but because she's a Schnee, there's no way she's going to apologise first.

For the past week and a half, Cinders been getting cocky and treating you like your her property. Telling you to do things, getting annoyed if you don't do it, and just generally trying to control you. "(y/n), bring me my shoes" that's it, you've had enough of this. "No Cinder, get them yourself" Cinder raises an eyebrow at you as if to say 'are you really disobeying me?'. "I said, bring me my shoes". you could see she was starting to get angry, but you didn't care, you couldn't take this anymore. "I'm not your slave Cinder! for the past week, all you've done is tell me what to do and I'm sick of it! if you just wanted a slave, then you should have said so when you bought me! I was just your property then wasn't I?!" the look of guilt and regret on Cinders face made you feel bad for shouting at her. but you held your ground and didn't yield. "When you're ready to start treating me like a girlfriend instead of a slave, come find me!"

"Raven stop! you're going to kill her!" Raven's jealous and possessive, but she's not THIS jealous and possessive. one of your friends got a little too close for her liking. All she did was swipe a bit of ice cream from the corner of your lip, it didn't mean anything at all. Raven dropped the girl and flashed the blood red metal of her sword, effectively scaring the girl away. "What the hell were you thinking?! you could have killed her!" Raven turned to you, her face was no-nonsense. "what the hell was I thinking?! what the hell were you thinking?! letting her get close to you like that!!" Raven was pointing an accusatory finger at you, you couldn't believe she was accusing you of cheating! "Are you serious?! she was cleaning my face because my ice cream was melting! how could you assume such a thing?!" you stormed off, not wanting to argue with her, or hear what she has to say.

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