When She's Jealous

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Ruby tried to hide the fact that she's jealous. She won't say much to the person flirting with you and just try to subtly show you two are together. Like hold your hand, or your waist. But if the message still isn't recieved, she'll just walk away with a "see you later babe" making it completely obvious.

Weiss had no shame in going up to the person and shoving them away from you. She'd make an entire scene about how you're hers and she wasn't sharing with anyone.

You always make sure to tell Blake everything about your day, so when you told her that someone flirted with you, you were quite surprised when she was so calm. She asked you three questions. "Do you know them?"
"Did you like it?"
"Did you accept?"
"Then I've got nothing to worry about. But make sure to tell me if they go too far". The look in her eye said she would do alot more than just talk with them.

"What?! Who are they?! What did they do?!" You were trying to calm Yang down. You told her someome flirted with you and she was fuming. She almost broke several things around her. You managed to calm her down by suggesting kisses and cuddles. She eventually found out the person who flirted with you and threatened them. You didn't tell her Who it was out of fear she would put them in the hospital.

Even though everyone knew you and Nora were together, there was this on guy that Nora was always fighting with. He was weird and was always challenging Nora to "duels". It was like he had this fantasy in his head that I'm a damsel in distress, he's the heroic prince, and Noras the evil witch I need saving from. But one hit from her hammer and he's launched across the courtyard.

Pyrrha is normally quite nervous about everything to do with you, like kissing, or cuddling. But when it comes to protecting you from perverts, there's no hesitation, just her spear against their throats.

Velvet got clingy when she's jealous. She would try and be as close as possible to you. She wouldn't let go of your hand and would follow you everywhere. You would reassure her that she has nothing to worry about but she couldn't help feeling insecure, so you would take her to her dorm and cuddle all day and night.

Coco would just pick you up, heft you over her shoulder and walk away from the person. You kickes and squirmed to be put down but she just spanked your butt and told you to keep still. You eventually got back to her dorm and was thrown on her bed. She pinned you down and kissed you, making you forget who you were taken away from. You two made-out, Coco planting hickeys in visible places so the person who flirted with you will get the message.

As soon as Winter learned someone was trying to get into your pants, she leapt into action, ordering the person to stay away or they will meet her blade. "You're so cute when you're jealous" you say as Winter blushed. "I'm not jealous. I am simply making sure he knows to stay away from what's mine".

Fire. Fire everywhere. Cinder held you close by your waist as she burned everything around you to ashes. She caught a memver of the white fang trying to kiss you and now theres barely anything left of the campsite. Although you were happy she was jealous, mainly because she hadn't seen you alot lately so you thought she lost interest in you, but you were kinda annoyed because now you had to move campsites.

If Raven punished a member of her tribe, one of those punishments is public humiliation. Standing them infront of the tribe and confessing what they've done. In this case, the guy was to say that he was caught watching me undress for a bath in a nearby hot spring. Afterwards, you met up in her tent "did you really have to burn down his tent too? Im pretty sure humiliating him was enough" she crosses her arms and huffs. "I'm the only one allowed to see your body. I should have done more" you cupped her cheeks and pressed a kiss to her lips. "You're cute when you're jealous".

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