Sneaking In/Around

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You were lying in bed, your covers tucked up under your chin and trying your hardest to relax and get some sleep. Just as you were starting to drift off, you heard a light tapping at your window. You pull back the covers and make your way to the window, sliding back the curtain to see Ruby balanced on the windowsill and waving at you. "Ruby! what the hell are you doing there?!" you whisper shout as you open the window and pull her inside. As soon as she's in she hugs you tight and whispers "I couldn't sleep and really wanted to see you. can I sleep here? please?" you were reluctant at first, mainly because of your roommates, but seeing the desperate, tired look on her face made you instantly agree. You both climb into your bed and snuggle up together. It was a lot warmer now that Ruby was there with you and so much easier to fall asleep too.


In order for her to stay the heir of the Schnee dust company, Weiss had to go back home during school breaks. It was just another way for her father to control her, but she had no choice if she wanted to one day improve the company. Weiss had just settled into her room in the mansion when a feeling of sadness and longing overcame her. She had just got there, and she already missed you so much. She took out her scroll and sent you a quick text to tell you so.
                                     I miss you already...

I know Snowflake, I promise I'll see you soon. sooner than you think

                                                                                                                                Weiss                                          What do you mean?

Weiss attention was brought to the balcony door as she heard a light tap every few seconds. She made her way to the door and opened it, she was confused at the sight of a few pebbles littering her balcony but proceeded to the ledge, leaning over the edge of the balcony hoping to find the cause of the tapping. What she saw made her jaw drop and eyes well up with tears. You were stood at the bottom of the balcony, waving up at her with a toothy smile on your face. "(y/n)! I can't believe it! what are you doing here?!" You chuckled lightly at her reaction "I'll explain everything! I'm coming up!". You begin to climb the side of her house, carefully pulling yourself up onto ledges so you don't fall. To say Weiss was worried was an understatement, it wasn't a short way down from Weiss' balcony, if you fell you would be seriously hurt. Once you reached the ledge of her balcony, she grabbed your hand to help pull you up and immediately pulled you into a hug. "I can't believe you're here! how did you get here? what were you thinking?! if my father finds you, he'll never let me go back to school!". You both jumped as a knock came from the bedroom door "Miss Schnee, are you alright? I heard shouting" Weiss stuttered as she answered the man behind the door saying she was on a call. You giggle at her nervousness and offer to sit down and give an explanation on what you were doing there. You both sat on her bed and began to explain "I couldn't bear to not see you for two weeks, so I snuck on the airship and came with you. I hope that's alright" you sheepishly rub the back of your neck, worried that she's angry you stowed away on her ship and followed her home. But instead, she pulled you close and told you how happy she was to see you and how she also couldn't bear to be away from you and put up with her father and brother for that long. "but I don't understand, how did you get past security?" you heaved a heavy sigh "it wasn't easy, but I would do anything to see you" as you were leaning in for a kiss a heavy knock came from her bedroom door. Recognising the knock pattern, Weiss shoved you off the bed and whisper-yelled for you to hide. Seeing the panicked look on her face, you did as you were told and dragged yourself under the bed. Just as you had tucked yourself under the queen-sized bed, Weiss' father entered the room and started lecturing her about all the things he expected her to do while she was there. Your blood boiled as he listed off one too many tasks for your liking, sounds like he wanted her kept busy instead of having a relaxing break. After he was finished with his demanding rant, he left the room. Weiss did nothing but agree the entire time he was talking; you were so close to storming out of the room and putting him in his damn place but kept yourself together and gave her a comforting hug instead. "I'm going to stay here and be there for you the entire break. I promise, I love you Weiss".

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