You Get hurt During Battle

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You went with Ruby and her team on a simple mission of clearing out grimm in a nearby town. The town doesn't have huntsman to protect it because it's small. The grimm kept getting closer and closer to the town so Ozpin put up a mission to clear them out before they get there. You and team RWBY got to the village and spotted 2 other huntsman fighting off the grimm, but it was too much for just 2 huntsman alone. Good thing you got there in time. The battle ensues and you get so lost in fighting an ursa, you dont see a beowolf sneak up behind you, one of the huntsman spots the beowolf just as it's about to strike. He shoots at the beowolf, getting its attention, but one of the bullets narrowly misses your head, cutting your ear off. You let out a scream of pain, instantly gaining Rubys attention, her head snapping to your direction. Seeing you on the floor, cluthing the side of your head as the blood pours, something snaps in Ruby and the whole scene goes white. When the light fades, all the grimm are gone and everyone is stood in shock. Ruby rushes to you and cradles your head, your blood spilling onto her clothes. "Someone please help!" She yells. Local doctors hear her plea for help and rush to give you medical attention.

Whilst battling a couple of thugs in Vale Weiss' rapier is taken and used against her. Before Weiss can take the hit You throw yourself in the way and get your eye sliced. You push through the pain and Weiss uses her glyphs to help you defeat the thugs. Once they were defeated, Weiss ran over to you and examined your eye. She cleaned off the blood with a napkin "it doesn't look good (y/n), it's gonna leave a scar. Open your eye and tell me if you can see" you slowly open your eye, thankfully you can still see. "Its fine, I can see. And hey, we match".

You and Blake off against a few white fang thugs. they seemed to be the more strictly trained ones because they seemed to be getting the better of you. But you and Blake were an unstoppable team, and managed to take em out. You were about to leave when you noticed your shoes were untied "hold up babe, I gotta tie my shoes" you bend down and start re-tying your shoes. As your gead was down, Blake spots one of the guys sneaking up behind you. She throws her sword at them, but instead of hitting them, the enemy catches her sword and throws it at you when you're not looking and stabs you through the side of your stomach. You scream and fll to the ground, clutching your stomach in pain. "(Y/n)!!" Blake runs over to you, pulling out her sword and applying pressure to the wound. "(Y/n) look at me, you're gonna be okay, I promise". You feel faint as the blood pours out of the wound. Your eyes closing as you drift into unconsciousness.

You and Yang had gotten into a brawl between two teams whilst on a date. To be fair, they started it. But you and Yang versus two teams wasn't going to end well. Now you're getting beaten, whilst Yang is being held back and forced to watch. When they finally stopped, you were unconscious, bloody and bruised. "(Y/n)!! (Y/n)! Please! Move!" You lay there still. Something snapped in Yang at the thought of the possibility that you might be dead. Her semblance burst to life, punching and kicking everyone around her. When everything calmed down, Yang knelt next to your battered body. Cradling your head close to her chest. "Its okay (y/n), I'm gonna get you help, you're gonna be okay" she sobbed into your hair. "Thanks...blondey" Yang jumped at the sound of your voice then chuckled. Even beat up you're still trying to make light of the situation.

You and Nora were selected to be the duo team for team JNPR in the vytal festival. your team didn't participate and Pyrrha was supposed to do it but got sick. And Nora begged and pleaded for you to do it with her, and of course you gave in. The other duo team were good and almost got the better of you. That was until one of the pair, using lightning dust, shoots you with a lightning bullet in your shoulder. Electocuting you. Nora saw you drop to the floor and enraged. She battered them both with her hammer before running to you. "(Y/n)!!!! It's going to be okay! Medic!!" Nora noticed the lightning like lines running from the bullet wound on your shoulder, down your arm, up your neck, and across your chest. You woke up feeling dizzy and disoriented. "Hey Pancake" you say, seeing Noras worried eyes hovering over you. "Thank goodness you're okay! The medics gonna treat you and get the bullet out soon, just hold on a little longer" you nod your head and slowly drift of to sleep.

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