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"(Y/n)! Give it to me! Pleeease!" Ruby followed you around her dorm. You'd bought a large box of cookies and refused to share with her. "(Y/n)! Pleeaase! It's not fair! why won't you share?!". She starts tugging at your arm trying to get the cookies, you put the box on a high shelf ina cabinet so she couldn't reach them. "Because I've spoilt you lately. I've kept you away from your studies long enough. So as soon as you're done with it all, you can have one" Ruby peered over at the mountain of homework she had. "Nooo! I cant wait that long!!" You hold her back as she tries to run for the cabinet you put the cookies in. You heave a heavy sigh. "Fine, you can have one now, then another after you've finished. Deal?" Ruby nods her head frantically. You get a cookie out of the box and put one half between your lips, offering the other half to Ruby. She eagerly goes to take the cookie but you lean away so she couldn't take it. "Gotcha Rubes, the only way you're getting a cookie is if you finish that homework" you finish the cookie while looking in her devastated eyes. "Ouch. Cold (y/n). Cold" says Yang from atop her bunk.

"Hmm, I'm in the mood for something sweet. (Y/n), would you like some ice cream?" Asked Weiss as you strolled through town together. "Nah, but I'll take some Weiss cream" you chuckled. Weiss stopped walking and blushed like she's never blushed before. "Y-you want that now?!" She whisper-yelled. You were confused about what she was talking about, then it hit you. "Weiss, did you take that in a dirty way?" You smirked as she somehow blushed even darker. "Oh my god! Weiss you horndog!" You laughed. Weiss went from being embarrassed, to embarrassed and annoyed at you. She stomped off in a huff, leaving you chasing after her, apologising in little fits of giggles.

You and Blake were in the library. You'd both wanted the same book, but found out theres only one in the whole library. And Blake found it first. "Blake, please let me have it first! You always take ages when you read!" Blake ignored you as she made her way to the librarian. "Blake!!" She swiftly turned and pressed a finger to your lips. "Quiet (y/n). This is a library" you pouted/glared at her. "I'll tell Ruby you're still reading those ninjas books" Blake stopped in her tracks and glared back at you. "You wouldnt dare" you smirked. "Try me" Blake sighed and handed you the book. "Thanks babe!" You kissed her cheek and sped off to the librarian.

"You lose" Yang was feeling like a champion at the moment. She'd made a bet with you that you're more touchy with her than she is with you. You can't say no to a challenge so you accepted. And failed miserably. As soon as you agreed you leaned in for a kiss. "I didn't think kissing counted!" You whined, pouting. "Sorry baby. But I said no touching, and kissing counts as touching" she leaned down to kiss your forehead but you covered her mouth with your hand. "Hmph, if that's how it is then you're not allowed to touch me for the rest of the day" Yang smirked. "Are you upset because you lost? It's okay baby we have to lose at somethings" she cups your cheek but you Weiss-slap (like a bitch-slap but more like a schnee) her hand away. She looked shocked then surprised at how serious you were about this. "Wait are you serious? I can't touch you for the rest of the day?" You nod your head, strong and firm. "Atleast I'll get cuddles in the night" you shake your head, disagreeing. "Nope, you cant touch me for a whole 24 hours" Yang started to panic. "oh did I not specify that. Oh well, now you know. You can't touch me until 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon" you wore an evil smirk while Yang was having an overdramatic panic attack. "I can't go 24 hours without touching you! My battery's gonna run low!" You chuckle and walk away. "Deal with it blondey".

"(Y/n) don't you dare!" You stood in Noras room, dangling her XL bottle of syrup over the trash can. "It's up to you Nora. You either cut down to atleast 3 tablespoons of syrup, or you don't have any at all" Nora started to act all dramatic. "I thought you loved me (y/n)!" She started to throw a temper tantrum on the floor, kicking and punching the floor. "I do love you, it's for your own good Nora. Tell you what, if you cut down on the syrup, you get laid 3 times a week" Nora didn't move from her spot "I get that anyway!" She whined. "Hmm that's true. Okay, how about 5 times a week" Nora perked up and agreed. Well that worked.

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