Kissing/Who Initiates It

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Both. Ruby likes little quick kisses. She says that way she gets more kisses from you.

You. You normally kiss Weiss when she's being Weiss and ignoring you over something you did or said. You catch her by surprise and kiss her long enough for her to forget why she's mad at you in the furdt place.

Blake. She has her moments when she wants nothing but affection. She'll give you sweet kisses that woukd sometimes turn into a make-out sesh.

Yang. She loves to kiss you whenever and where ever, she doesn't care who's watching. She takes control, pinning you against the nearest wall, or if your in her room she'll pin you down on her bed. If she gets really into it. She'll use tongue, she'll grope, she'll press her leg between your thighs. And once she has you turned on, she'll stop and leave you frustrated.

Both. You tend to kiss Nora alot after she's done her homework she hates doing. She always glomps and kisses you.

You. Pyrrha tends to blush when you kiss her, which you find very cute so you try to kiss her alot. But she stoos you from kissing her in class and in training so she doesn't miss or mess up anything.

You. Velvet is shy when it comes to kissing and likes to do it in private. She feels a little more confident when it's just the two of you. When you kiss, it's short but passionate. You sometimes add in the occasional butt grope.

Coco. All the time. Everywhere. They're passionate and possessive, especially in public. She loves to show other people you're taken, and will do anything to make sure other people stear clear.

It's kinda both, but mostly you. You kiss Winter to get her to relax after a hard days work. She often kisses you as a reward for behaving yourself.

Cinder. Without a doubt. Long, hard, passionate kisses. Against the wall, on the bed. You name it. Her favourite thing to do is have you against the wall, one of your legs raised against her hip while she holds it there, your hands pinned above your head. It embarrasses you and turns you on at the same time.

Raven. Since she decided to stay with you and let her people do the missions, Raven has been giving you way more affection. You were sitting on the table, Ravens hips wedged between your knees, having a passionate make-out sesh in her tent. She picks you up, you wrap your legs around her hips and lock your ankles together. She takes you to her cuddle.

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