Chapter 9

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Raph's P.O.V

Ok, let me get this right. We fought with shredder, i died and was dead for almost two months. Karai and shinigami brought me back to life, and a couple days later, is Leo's birthday!
What in the goddamn-
Ugh, never mind.

I shook my thoughts off and looked down. What if I can't walk ever again?! No, raph, focus.
I slide myself slowly off the bed, holding on to the bed's handle.
As i try to stand up, my legs collapse as my grip on the handle gets tighter.
I sweat so much that i can't focus.
'i never sweat this much, not even when I'm beating the heck out of my dummy!'

I take a deep breath and try to make my feet straight. After so many long attempts, i managed to stay still.
'now,for the hard part.'
I try to walk, but fail. My chest hits the ground. A severe pain goes through my chest as I hiss in pain.
'why is it so hard?!'
Then a white light ran through my eyes.

*flash back*

It has been three days since i couldn't walk. Mikey pranked me so badly that i couldn't even walk! Oh that little-
Anyway, i was walking to my room, but from my luck, i slipped and fell down, as my knees hit the edge of the mini stairs that is surrounding the TV area, i could hear them crack. I scream in pain, but my scream filled with fury and anger when i saw there was a banana under my foot.

"oh ma gawd Waphie! I didn' mean to!" mikey shouted when he understood what he just did. He started to cry when he sees his big brother in pain.
"D-don't do it again, mikey. N-now go and get Sensei." i whispered in pain.

-next day-

As splinter was holding my arm, i tried to walk, but failed miserably.
"ugh,sensei! Why is it so hard?!" i complained in pain.

"if you persuade to yourself that it's hard, then it's definitely hard, try to convince yourself that you can do it Raphael, and nothing can stop you from trying." Splinter said with a warm, fatherly smile.
"h-hai, sensei"
"sensei! I'm..I-I'm doing it! I did it sensei!"
"good job, my son, after one week, you are able to walk again, because of your own choice of the difficulty level of your trying."

*end of flash back*

'y-yea! I have to convince myself that it's easy! It IS easy!'
I got up from the ground, letting go off the handle.
One step. Two step. Three step.
My legs warm up, i walk faster. Then faster, and faster.
My legs aren't shaky as they used to be, and they don't collapse either!
'yes! I did it! I did it s-sensei!' i smile widely as i hold my head up, closing my eyes. Thank you, father. I miss them so much.

I hear someone coming. I then run to where the bed is.
'holy shell, that was fast! I guess i am really strong' i smile in confidence. What a dummy i am. I turn to look at the door.

"Raphael, the box is ready, are you ready too?" shini peeks from the corner of the door. I smile at her and nod.
"so, want a hand?" she says starting come towards me, but i stop her.
"no thanks, i got this."i say and walk over to her. Her eyes widens in surprise.
"wow, heh that was fast darling" she smirks and turns to leave, pointing at me with her finger to come.

When we got where she was going, my jaw drops when i see the size of the box. Damn! It's so big!
"i thought i was going to sit in a small box or something" i chuckle.
"well, our box has to be very big so we can share it." karai said, not facing me.
"don't you think it's a bit suspicious?"
"who cares? I just want to give you to Leo so he comes out of his depressed state" karai says as she looked down.

"It's ok, karai-chan. He will be fine." shini puts a hand on karai's shoulder.
'karai-chan? That's new' i take a full look at the box. The base color was light sky blue, and with the gift wrappings next to it, i think it would be a mixture of blue and red colors. Red and blue.
I slightly blush cause of that.

"so, when do i get to go in there?" i look over to them. They smirk at each other and then look at me.

'right now, great.'

To be continued..

[so, guys, i know i was a bit lazy on this chapter and it looks awful, but i tried. Have a good day or night!]

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